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WVW3H3 West Virginia Interhash [Back from the Dead] 2024

10/25 02:00 PM to 10/27 06:09 PM

A WVW3H3 Hash Campout

Cost: $1*


The Kennels of West Virginia

WVIH is cumming back from the dead October 25th-27th, 2024 with a zombie-themed adventure weekend!

The Lazarus Virus has gone airborne. Due to hordes of virals attacking, the federal convoy is delayed and won't drop our med packs carrying the vaccine "shots"until 1833 hours (sunset) Friday evening. We can't wait until daylight or we may not survive the night. Your mission is to get to the rendezvous zone(s) as the sun sets and get your ass back here so we can take our "medicine" to get through this weekend before it's too late! The virals get more active as night falls. They may be sedentary on your way out but as you return, be quick and quiet. They are fast! Neon color has been shown to distract them, so throw your government issue glow sticks if they get too close.

Payment via Paypal Here as friends and hash family ❤️
Payment via Venmo Here

More details:
Join us for a zombie adventure Friday night, hiking tours of the newest National Park, New River Gorge, Saturday morning, a fun Costume Run around Fayetteville Saturday afternoon, campground shot trail that night and more amazing views on trail Sunday morning! Finally, an add-on encore trail will be offered in Lewisburg. Giveaways are guaranteed for the first 69 paid regos! Please join us for the back from the dead, Lazarus edition of WVIH and cum hash in one of the crown jewels of West Virginia... New River Gorge!!!

$79 FRBs (First 15 to Pay)
$89 Typical Wankers (Next 70 to Pay)
$99 DFLs (Last 15 to Pay)
* Everyone gets a $10 reimbursement if we sellout all 100 spots *

You have the option of being a zombie. There are only 12 of these spots available. You must arrive early Friday by 4:30pm. Please provide your own torn and tattered zombie attire. Let us know if you are interested in helping with makeup!

We have decided that since Fayetteville has a number of wonderful dining establishments, this will be a BuyYOFood or BYOF event. However, we will be providing a wide variety of alcohol, snacks and orange food at the Hashpitality Tent!

Payment via Paypal Here as friends and hash family ❤️
Payment via Venmo Here

No refunds unless the event is cancelled or rescheduled.

Please consider joining our WVIH FB Group for updates and banter as the event nears!

Regarding any requests that certain hashers not be permitted to attend:
The event organizers do not necessarily have the ability to determine the truth of allegations (such as distinguishing firsthand accounts from gossip) but will examine any evidence submitted. Since this is meant to be an event that is open to all, especially WV hashers, and since we have seen witchhunts turn numerous non-participants into eyewitnesses, we will not ban anyone without appropriate evidence. However, appropriate evidence of harmful behavior, especially violence or non-consensual activities, will be taken very seriously, and the offenders will not be permitted to attend.

Back from the Dead

Tent or vehicle to sleep in (non-RV sites), other camping gear, a vessel, food or money for Fayetteville's great restaurants, hash clothes, costume(s), appropriate weather gear, cranium lamps, camp chair, etc.

Location Details

The Outpost- New River Gorge Campground (Lower Section)

843 Fayette Station Rd, Fayetteville, WV 25840

The Lower Outpost

We will be staying in the Lower Section and have it all to ourselves...

This is carside camping. Sleep in a tent or your vehicle. (No RV spots though you can book your own RV area a short walk away in the "Upper" portion of the Outpost.)

See the Outpost Maps Here
Again, we have reserved the Lower Area

Schedule of Events

2:00pm Check-In begins @ Hashpitality Tent
2pm-6pm Hashpitality Tent open
4:30pm Zombies-ONLY meetup for Zombie School @ Hashpitality Tent
6:00pm Zombie Trail, meetup @ Circle Field Hosted by Wild & Wonderful Wednesday H3
After Trail thru 11pm Hashpitality Tent open
9-11pm Music @ Hashpitality Tent
11pm Quiet Hours begin

7am Early Turd Hikers Meet @ Circle Field to carpool
--Endless Wall hike (~3 mi loop hike)
-- Fayette Station Rd Tour crossing the historic Tunney Hunsaker Truss Bridge, stop to visit the New River for views and beautiful Wolf Creek/Kaymoor/Henderson Falls before return to camp
10am-ish Late Turd Hikers Meet @ Circle Field to carpool
--Cathedral Cafe/Wood Iron for Brunch (BuyYO)
-- Long Point hike (~3.2 mi total, out n back hike)

10am-ish-2pm Hashpitality open
2pm Costume Trail meetup @ Circle Field Hosted by Morgantown H3
After Trail thru 8pm Hashpitality open
After Trail thru Sunset Games and Shenanigans Hosted by Hillbilly H3
5-6pm Hab Bazaar at Hashpitality
8pm Shooting Star Shot Trail, meetup @Circle Field Hosted by Moonshiners H3
After Trail-11pm Hashpitality open
9-11pm Music @ Hashpitality
11pm Quiet Hours begin

8am-9am Hashpitality Tent Open
PHAT Grrl Working her Butt(ress) Off Short Trail Meetup @ Canyon Rim Visitor Center Parking Lot Hosted by Shenandoah Sisters H3
10am Ladies-Only Start
10:30am Co-Ed Start

11:69 Meet, 12:69 Pack Away, Hollowell Parking Lot 230 Gms Dr, Lewisburg Trail Hosted by Hillbilly H3 (Additional $5 Day Of)
Country Roads, Take Me Home...

Public Event

See the full list!

58 Hashers came


Bobby Douché

Peach Fuzz Hash House Harriers

Sorest Rump




Sucking Seabiscuit


Dyke Tyson

Mount Vernon H3





Sirius Bush

Wild and Wonderful Wednesday Hash House Harriers

Spank and a Haircut: Two Twins

Hillbilly H3
2024 WVIH

Mission Ain't Hairy

(Wild and Wonderfu...)

Wookin' Pa Nub



Hangover Hash House Harriers

NFHN Dylan Hunter


Double Stuff My Ginger Muff

Wild and Wonderful Wednesday Hash House Harriers

Grinding Nemo

Wild and Wonderful Wednesday Hash House Harriers

Cooter Pooter


Bed Bath & BIDET




Granny on the Streets Control Freak in the Sheets


MoreMen Pukes Tonight

Charm City H3

Cheap Ass Gigolo

Baltimore Annapolis Hash House Harriers

Nightmare on Ohm Street

Old Frederick Hash House Harriers

EZ Payout


Manicotti Mouth


Just Hunter


Twisted Teaser Cowboy Pleaser


Just Luke

(None, yet)

NN Tessa


Straight in the Navy

Hangover Hash House Harriers


Morgantown Hash House Harriers

The Clamburglar

Wild and Wonderful Wednesday Hash House Harriers

Dr Flatus




Hot Tub Slime Machine

Wild and Wonderful Wednesday Hash House Harriers

Chocolate MmmHmmm Cockigami

Wild and Wonderful Wednesday Hash House Harriers
Mmm Hmmm - Tastes like...

Beetlejizz, Beetlejizz, Beetlejizz

Baltimore Annapolis Hash House Harriers

Glaze my unbronzed anus (Glanus)


For Unlawful Car-nal Knowledge

Wild and Wonderful Wednesday Hash House Harriers

The Cream of Brotherly Love

Wild and Wonderful Wednesday Hash House Harriers

Quack Whacker


Just Julie

(None, yet)

NFHN Cassie (Sponsored by Moonshine Motorboater)

(Morgantown H3)

Patronus Straponus

(Shenandoah Sister...)

You, Too, Can Do Me (Blah, Blah, Blah, Blah)

If you're gonna be dum...

Will Squat for Beer




Hot Pocket


Moonshine Motorboater

Morgantown Hash House Harriers



Boo Berry Tits

Flour City Hash House Harriers

Just Sylph

(Wild and Wonderfu...)

Femboy Meat Toy (Sponsored by G inthe S, CF inthe S)


Underwater Titty Injury

Charlotte Hash House Harriers

Just Christy


Big Ten Inch




Daddy Douche Care

Charlotte Hash House Harriers