Cost: $15*
Bumspringa, Fingerrrrrrr, French Toasted, and Can’t Talk With My Mouth Full
All hashers and friends are cordially invited to a joint memorial trail for Mellow Foreskin Cheese on Sunday, November 17 at Lake Accotink Park in Springfield at 12:00 p.m. MFC, aka Bill Wagner, left us unexpectedly on September 15, 2024. Please save the date and come out to remember Mellow, our favorite
curmudgeon, or as he was known at Mount Vernon H3, our fucking ray of sunshine.
We have reserved the McLaren-Sargent Pavilion, 5660 Hemming Road, Springfield, accessed from the north side of Lake Accotink, not off Backlick Road.
There is plenty of parking, but please carpool due to the non-metro accessible location. There will be PBR, brats, walker and runner trails, a memorial circle at 3 pm, and a chance to celebrate hash friendships while wishing MFC on up and shiggy trails with the Heavenly Hash. Don't worry, there will be veggie brats and other beer there, too. Hash cash is $15, to cover the cost of the pavilion and permits, and can be paid in advance via:
Hash Rego/PayPal or in cash on November 17. Register early and often so we can estimate numbers.
A special patch is being designed and will be available for $5. Please pass the word.
Thanks to White House H3 for offering the date so we can all attend.
Wear your Wisconsin, Packers, MFC birthday, international or favorite yellow/green kennel gear proudly in his honor.
On On,
Shamrock Your Cock, Bronco Buster, Daddy’s Dick, IUD Me, and friends.
Mellow Memorial
Lake Accotink McLaren Sargent Shelter
5660 Heming Ave, Springfield, VA 22151 38.79368729106549, -77.21345053475035
Gimme an Oohhh
Seriously 5-10
How I Met My Brother
(White House H3)
Apparently Pregnant
Battered Woman
Late Night Drive Thru
(Everyday Is Wedne...)
Cooter Pooter
Quick Closing
French Toasted
Skinny Dicken
The Udder Ho
Turkey Twat
Coin Operated
Load packer
Ass Splunker
Loves a Lubejob
Bad ditch
Virgin Avec Mary
One Hit-Her Quit-Her
Full Metal Balls
Canned P*ssy
3 Ring Cervix
F. Squid
Bronco Buster
Standard Deviant
Running Commentary
ONe tit ONly
Snap Crackle Poop
Miss Judy
Havana Lewinsky
Tony Panda
Hawaiian Puke
Faker's Dozen
Hash Willie
Daddy’s D*ck
George StuffedAnOctopus
Schweinchen Dick
Created by Gin | Inspired by many