Cost: $80*
Holiday Inn Milwaukee-West Allis
Address: 10111 West Lincoln Avenue, West Allis, WI, US
Distance from Fri Prelube: TBD
Distance from Main Event: 2.8 miles
Distance from Sun Hangover: 6.3 miles
Distance from Downtown Amtrack: 8.2 miles
10111 West Lincoln Avenue, West Allis, WI, US
Typical pay as you go Prelube in Milwaukee.
More details TBD
Check In: 12:30-1:00p
Chalk Talk: 1:00p
Trail: A-A with multiple beverage stops and T/E splits
After Trail: Food, drinks, circle, drinks, music
Brunch: 11:00a
Deets: Food, bloodies and coffees, clothing optional hot tub, music, general hangout
Eat you later Alligator
TSquatty Slavie
Guzzle Faerie Finn
All Cuntry for Old Men
Long Time Cumming
Tainted Paint
Princess and the Puke
Master Bear Bait-or
Not The Poopy End
(Clit Dont Exist H3)
Just Renee
Crack 4 Beer
Spank the Muggle
Midsummer Night's Cream
sPeEd HuMp
Sushi Grade Placenta
Poop Chute
(Twin Titties Thir...)
Hand Solo
(I'll fuck your mom)
Slippery lips
I’ll Fucking Kill You
Something About Mary
Castration Sensation
Scary Pooter
Heaving Seamen
(Other Orlando H3)
I Prefer Carpet
Lick Stick
Jeanie Weenie
Two Men In Me
Slip on the cum
Mother Inferior
(Motown Ann Arbor H3)
Grandma's Next
Sex Canoe
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