Cost: $75
Penis Grigi Ho and Beauty and Cops' Wives Matter
Southern Exposure is BACK!
June 18 – 20
Boogie Bottoms, Cleveland Alabama
Now that we are fully booked (mother of dragons does it feel good to type that), let's see about adding a schedule of events.
This is tentative and subject to change on the whim of a particular hasher or two or the weather, but we will do all we can to stick to a semblance of it
What to bring
-->Your accommodations -- tent, hammock, sad face looking for a trusting soul, RV (contact Boogie Bottoms for hookup information, it will be $75 for the weekend)
-->Something to sit on if you like
-->Something to float on if you want to get on the river
-->Non-alcoholic hydration substance ... we will be providing water, but if you need else, please bring that
-->Bug Spray
-->Sun Screen
-->Your best hashy selves
What not to bring
-->Kids who like dogs with guns
-->Dogs who chase kids with guns
-->If it uses 4 limbs to get around, refuses to eat anything but mac-n-cheese and chicken fingers, or goes bang, leave it the fuck at home.
-->Chips on shoulders or drama. I usually make jokes here, but ... some folks have been able to travel hash a bit lately but for most of us this will the the first opportunity to let loose since all this bull-ish began. Do not harsh anyone's buzz or yuck anyone's yum please.
Things to keep in mind:
Once you pass the gate to enter, you take full responsibility for yourself and will not hold Boogie Bottoms accountable for your idiocy or just bad luck -- the sign on the gate says so. Same goes for your position viz the hosts. Almost none of y'all is new to this, but if you are, grab a veteran for advice ... and a beer.
Boogie Bottoms is clothing optional. However, you will need to be mindful if you are naked in the river because muggles do float down it from time to time. Standard laws governing consent apply, please don't make us have to spell them out.
No one has requested covid-signaling bracelets to telegraph whether they are ok with being touched. Err on the side of thinking everyone has cooties and ask before you hug.
If you have questions, you can hit up Paul Catcher Savage, Dungeons N Younguns, or Laura Harris Stone. on FB and we can point you towards an answer that is likely to be at least close to correct. If you have general comments and shenanigans to post, do so in the Southern Exposure group on FB. If you have not received an invite, contact one of the three listed earlier and we'll get you hooked up. If you are a lucky soul who has given up facebook, email MM here and we'll take care of you.
Catcher will be sending out personalized emails the week of to remind you of things, and the FB group will also have some teaser info.
We can't wait to see all of you, sincerely!
Boogie Bottoms
Call Boogie Bottoms at 205.680.2962 If you plan to bring a RV please
324 Sherbet Rd, Cleveland, AL 35049
--> You can get there anytime from sunrise on.
1200: Rego checkin opens -- come get yo sack of stuff
1500: Cold beer will be distributed (in lieu of kegs being tapped)
1830: Dinner
Around this time we will have DJs playing music if not before, it depends on the DJs
2000: Shot trail and Poker Crawl. Instructions for the Poker Crawl will follow (chances are I'll make a video because, why not).
0200 (Saturday), Music off.
0700: Breakfast
0730ish: We'll set out the stuff for mimosas and bloody marys
Sometime in this general span we will set up the tables for the beer pong and flippy cup and whatever else we may come up with
1100: Lunch will be set out for you to make yo sammiches. We will make the lunch ingredients available post trail if someone is too hungry to wait til dinner.
1200: Circle, trail would start 1230ish (probably around a 2 hour trail)
1500: Sloshball if you're playing or watching, hasher created shenanigans if you are not
1830 Dinner
2000 DJ's and dancing and ... if we all clap our hands and say "I do believe in fairies" we'll have a foam pit to keep you entertained and give you dry skin.
2300ish: Shooting Star Trail
0200 (Sunday) Music Off
Breakfast is leftover breakfast stuff and lunch stuff from the previous day.
There might be a hangover trail - if someone volunteers, MM will not say no
GTFO is ... whenever you want but if you stay past about 2000 or so, you'll owe Boogie Bottoms another $10.
ATM Crusher
(Vulcan H3)
NFN Austin
(Vulcan H3)
Care Bear Stare
(Gulf Coast H3)
High on the Hog
(Draft Punk H3)
Jizzum & Jettison
Solo Shot
(CoonASS H3)
(Survivor H3)
(bushwhackers h3)
(Music City H3)
NFN Sara
(Vulcan H3)
Woody poke her
(Crescent shiggy )
Baskin Throbbins
(Vulcan H3)
Lick Long and Spockher
(Gulf Coast H3)
Dick In Hand
Harry and the Handersons
(Vulcan H3)
Silent Baby Puncher
(Draft Punk H3)
Dogs Over Dicks
(Voodoo H3)
NFN Laura
(Vulcan H3)
(Vulcan H3)
Fist Her Twice
Dalick My Snatch
(Wandering Soul H3)
Penis Grigi Ho
(Vulcan H3)
Man Cruiser
(Music City H3)
Glory Hole
(CoonASS H3)
Black Eye PA
(Savannah H3)
Flame Thrower
Titty Poppins
Donut Holer
Knocked Out With My Cock Out
(Survivor H3)
Beauty and the Beastiality
(Vulcan H3)
Can I Fuck Your Sister?
(Gulf Coast H3)
Rape Cubby
(Wandering Soul H3)
Pussy Blue Ribbon
(Wandering Soul H3)
Wanking Wall Y'all
(Survivor H3)
Rim Job
(Gulf Coast H3)
What's Up Cock
(Vulcan H3)
Seaman Bilgepump
Pissy FIt
(Survivor H3)
Concrete Suppository
Dungeons N Younguns
(Vulcan H3)
Everybody in my mouth
(Survivor H3)
Jerry's Kidd
Barbie's B*tch
(Music City H3)
(Bushwhackers H3)
NFN Andi
(Vulcan H3)
Potato Chip
NFN Allie
(Vulcan H3)
Mouse Milker
(BH3 )
Tits on demand
NFN Catrina
(Vulcan H3)
Bearly Blue
(Downtown Wilmingt...)
Iron hymen
Legend of the Hidden Tampon
(Vulcan H3)
Farta Sutra
(Survivor H3)
My Bloody Palestine
(Wandering Soul H3)
Schlabotnik the Russian Sausage Mullet
(Eerie H3)
Nilla Nilla Nilla
Sex toys for tots
Catcher in the Eye
(Wandering Soul H3)
Cops' Wives Matter
(Vulcan H3)
Multiple Oceans
(CoonASS H3)
Sex Toys for Tots
Juicy Grunt Rider
Snatch of the Day
(Gulf Coast H3)
Buttholeberry Finn
(Gulf Coast H3)
Suppository Depository
(Vulcan H3)
Every Surface of the Furnace
(Vulcan H3)
Created by Gin | Inspired by many