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Host Kennel:


VeniceKiltRun 2023

04/14 06:00 PM to 04/16 12:00 PM

A Hash Weekend

Cost: $130

Fellow wanks and wankers!

The long-awaited Venice Kilt Run is back this year and we're doing it in style, so remember your kilt!

Rego is $130 and includes:
- Friday night pub crawl (Two drinks) Snax/extra drinks P.A.Y.G
- Saturday trail through Venice
- Saturday night on-after in Venice (Dinner and booze provided)
- Sunday hangover trail
- Venice Kilt Run Surprise Swag

Additional personalized hab in the form of a shirt/sweater/hoodie is available for order at your own expense. This way you can ensure the correct size, cut and style. Order Link will be sent after rego is paid :)

Regos are non-refundable. If you register and are not able to attend, we will be happy to transfer your rego to another hasher.

Location Details

A&O Hotel Mestre

Via Ca' Marcello, 15, 30172 Venezia VE

Devils Forest Pub Venice

Calle dei Stagneri o de la Fava, 5185, 30124 Venezia VE

A&O Hotels Mestre

Make a Reservation

Accommodation is not included. Please book where you would like, but most of the trails will be out of A&O hotels. **There are TWO locations listed on their website and on booking.com, but don’t fret they are just 150 ft apart! The majority of us will aim to book at one of these locations. They offer hostel style dorms or twin rooms, for those who need more privacy!

Via Ca' Marcello, 15, 30172 Venezia VE

Schedule of Events

What: Pub Crawl!
Time: 7:30pm (you can pick up goodie bags from 6pm)
Start: AO Hotel Venice Mestre 2 Lobby
Via Ca' Marcello, 15, 30172 Venezia VE

Trail info
What: Venice Kilt Run 2023
Who: Sweet Transvestite (Hare)
Where: Giardini Papdopoli (https://goo.gl/maps/GfK65TqXgSvgDXEA8)
When: Saturday @ 2pm
Why: Because G instructs us so

Hangover Trail
What: Hangover cure
Who: Too Easy (Hare)
Where: A&O Hotel Mestre
When: Sunday 10:00AM
Why: We need to get in a few last prosecco drops


Public Event

See the full list!

42 Hashers came


Oops I Sharted again


Hidden Asset

(Hamburg H7)

Pant in the Country

(Hamburg H7)

Mi Pho Horny


Just Garrett


Nibbles n dicks




Soccer Mom Tom Tom


A Queef on me


Iron Lady


Little Spermaid

Stuttgart H3
Darling, it's better d...

Floppy Dicks



(Chicago H3)





Super SpreadHer


Two and a Half Amen


Hung Jury


Swiss Army Snatch

Sacile Madness H3

Catch Me Cuz You Can


Goldietwat & The 3 Hare


Silent P

(Berlin H3)

Drug Bust

(Frankfurt H3)

Blows A Tranny

Vicenza Derelicts Hash House Harriers

Too Easy




Bull's eye

(China Hash House ...)

Sweet Transvestite


Lethal Lumpia


Licky Martin




Louis Copeland

(Dublin hash house...)

Just Kaitlyn




Just Zsuzsi


Von WanderBoom


Magic Sharpie Ride

Baltimore Annapolis Hash House Harriers

Drink Her Pretty

(Agana H3)

The Cockodile Hunter


