Cost: $7
TMFMH3 runs/jogs/walks/ambles trails, sorta during the full moon.
Locals rego on Meetup, but we're putting our trails on HashRego in any visitwhores would like to join us.
Hare: Full of Shit
When: Gather at 6:30 / Hares away at 6:45 / Pack away at 7:00.
Distance: 4 miles
Shiggy level: 2.69
Water crossing/level: Optional
Beer: Yes
On-after: Lakeside Tavern
Hash cash: $7 Cash (no change) or Venmo accepted.
Bring: Vessels, cranium lamps, hash cash, virgins.
Consider filling out the Emergency Contact Form:
Also maybe get a life:
This kennel has a zero tolerance policy for sexual harassment. If someone makes you feel uncomfortable, please immediately address it with them unless you feel you are in danger. If you are, or if it happens again (to you or anyone else!), come directly to mismanagement. We want to create an environment where all hashers are safe from unwanted touching, violence, or harassment.
I-Feel Tower and Unsinkable Molly Brown founded TMFMH3 at the Irish Wake for her son Titanic. He invented our circle delicacy (stout with raw egg) for the Kuala Lumpur Full Moon, which he founded in 1992.
Created by Gin | Inspired by many