Cost: $10
Agua Nino
Cum celebrate the greatest numbered birthday ever, The 69th!!! However, this is Aguas's 3rd 69th. If you don't know about Agua's birthday trail, here is a quick snapshot. Trail with shiggy, maybe tunnels, maybe not, and G's cold nectar. Return to start, and dinner fit for a King and his court shall be awaiting.
This rego is strictly for counting wanks that are cumming. We want to give Mrs. Agua a heads-up as much as possible. Who said Head? I'll take some of that, and I did!!!! Hash cash of $10 will be collected at the door, * NO PREPAY, PAY AT THE DOOR!*
GTFO at sunset or when Mrs. Agua says GTFO!!!
Agua's 69th
Dry bag with a change of every. Technu, Off, Sunscreen, Vessel, maybe a Cranium Lite. Thirst for trail, cold beer and Lumpia.
Fun Runs
Homey Don’t Blow That
Professor Cowabunghole
NFN Mamma of Chum Bucket and Motel 6''
You Want Dick With That?
Unhappy Meal
NFN Emma
(Ft Eustis)
Final Foreplay
Two pills no thrill
Shoots N Splatters
Bum Pumper
Tinkle Bell
(Tidewater H3)
NFN Tracey
High Speed Cock Bumper
Mom’s Monthly Colonic
J G Wet Works
Motel 6 inches
Kitty Kitty Bang Bang
Gone with the Schwinn
(Ft TrashWater)
Trailer hitch
Boots & Pants
Master Splinter
Created by Gin | Inspired by many