Regos for this event are not guaranteed until they are paid.

Optional: Log in first to link this rego to your Hasher profile.

$ .00

Event Liability Waiver

Hashing is, while entertaining as hell, an inherently stupid thing to do. It carries possible risks including but not limited to poison ivy, bug bites, sunburn, tripping, falling, alcohol related mishaps, anal leakage, food poisoning, disease, disability, death, and flying towering reverse dead bugs.

I hereby certify that I am participating in this activity at my own risk and I accept responsibility for any down-downs and/or injuries I may receive as a result of direct or indirect participation in this event.

During hash events there will be people drinking, some who remove clothing, and most enjoying general debauchery. BUT, CONSENT is key to making sure that everyone in attendance has fun and feels safe.

If you see or hear anything that makes you feel uncomfortable, please find someone in Mismanagement right away so we can help resolve the issue.
If a member of Mismanagement approaches you and asks you to change your behavior, you will be expected to comply or leave the event.
By signing this waiver, you agree to fall in line with these expectations. Questions? Contact Mismanagement at