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SeattleH3 Red Dress Run 2024

02/24 01:00 PM

A SeattleH3 Hash Weekend

Cost: $45


Dirty Mother Fucker, Racing Genes, Up Tight Butt Good


Time to celebrate the 90s in your best red dress style!!!
Who: Seattle H3
What: Trail #956 aka our annual Red Dress Run
When: February 24, 2023
Where: OmCulture (2210 N Pacific St, Seattle, WA 98103)
Why: For charity! And booze!
Costs: $47.69 ($45+$2.69 PayPal fee) PayPal to sh3@wh3.org or use the button after you rego (this incorporates the fee already) for all you can eat, drink, and party from 1-9 pm on 2/24. (Plus any extra optional donations to charity.)
Charity: Migrant Arrivals Support Coalition. This organization offers a variety of Migrant Support Services to assist migrants in need, including legal aid for immigration issues, translation services, and access to basic necessities such as food, clothing, and shelter. Through this program, they aim to provide a safe and welcoming environment for migrants and to help them integrate into the local community. However, without funding for this initiative, meeting the growing demand is challenging. Due to the high number of asylum-seekers we are currently assisting, our resources are stretched beyond capacity. Therefore, we are reaching out to our government, community leaders, non-profit partners, and generous donors for assistance.

I love the 90's

Red dress, new shoes, virgins, donations for charity, tips for your live band, your Tamogotchis, JNCO jeans, and a love of ska music

Start Location Details

Schedule of Events

It's the second analversary of the CunTh! Come wear your tutu on 2/22. Hash cash free with RDR rego, $7 without.

Prelube RDR with a trip to HUMP! Film Festival. Tickets for the festival and drinks at hashy hour purchased separately. This will be at Ozzie's in Queen Anne.

The main event! Meet for RDR at OmCulture in Fremont at 1:00 pm, hares away at 1:30, pack away at 1:45. Trail is A to A with pizza/pasta/salad for dinner and a live band for the 90's dance party after closing circle.

Reign Kitty, voted dumbest kennel in America, where everyone's an RA! Everyone's a hare! Everyone's a GM! Will be in the U-District but otherwise not planned at all. Cum for free and help us drink our leftover booze.

Public Event

See the full list!

96 Hashers came




Dirty MF

South Sound Hash House Harriers
SSH3 2023

I-Da-Hoe Roofie


$5 Fuck-Up

Seattle Hash House Harriers

Show Me Your Dick


Conch Cocktale

Seattle Hash House Harriers
Conch, as in "kaangk"

Beer Factor

(Boise H3)

Darkstar Porkestra

Portland Humpin Hash House Harriers



Snip It, Snip It Good


Likes it in the Trunk


Menstrual Casserole

No Balls H3

Up Tight Butt Good


Back Scratch Beaver


Shut the Fúçk Up, Special Fred

Bellinghamster Hash House Harriers



Skeet Fighter turbo

Seattle Hash House Harriers


Bad Decisions Hash House Harriers

Mary Had A Little Clam


Portland Dicks R Bigger




Game Ovary


Clearly not a Hooker


Bone-n The Librarian






Virgin Audrey




Tuna on Top



No Balls H3

Gutter Guzzler




Half Eaten Taco


Winner Winner Dildo Dinner

CRapids Hash House Harriers

Sperm Donor



Half Assed North Kitsap Hash House Harriers

No Cunthry for old men


Heavenly taco


Just Phoenix


Shits Twice and Gags

No Balls H3

Itty Bitty Gaybait


Latter Day Stroker


Titty Stardust

Seattle Hash House Harriers

Dickless Armstrong

(No Balls)

Tard-Core "The Fucktarded"


Erektor Inspektor


Snow Caps


Racing Genes

SeaMon H3

Just Kim


A Strong 6.9 Seconds


Peggi’s cumming down the mountain


Bloody Stool

(NBH3 )

The International Virgin

Bad Decisions Hash House Harriers

Pitch 2 Please

Eugene H3



Pussy Juice


Just Susan (BhamsterH3)

Bellinghamster H3



Vapo Butt Chug

The Holy Shit! What the Fuck? Hash House Harriers

Crack Up


Wine Rack


Rear Admiral


Smashing Blumpkins




Higher Than A Giraffe's Butthole


Street Gravy


Ugly Naked Guy


Snuggle Bunny

Seattle Hash House Harriers

Panty Ho

Seattle Hash House Harriers

Dental Daaayamn


Wasted Rubber


Wheaton Whacker


Erectile Dysfunction (E.D.)


Shoe Said Head

The Holy Shit! What the Fuck? Hash House Harriers of Bremerton Washington. Voted sickest kennel in America by Rumson H3 at Interam 2017 and 2019 and Tijuana H3 in 2021 and 2022.
4 steps to a good time...

My Little Penis

(SeaMon H3)

Like a virgin... blown on the very first time


NFN Angelina Bailey



Seattle Hash House Harriers

Hickory Dickory Cock


Cum Drop


Whore Some Sugar On Me


Jeep Her Keep Her


Thunderpussy Ho!!!




Silent But Snatchy


Front running badly


Full Buttplug Insertion

Seattle Hash House Harriers

Brazilian Cock Block


Shock the Beaver

Portland Humpin Hash House Harriers

Just Mishelle

(TBD )

Dances with Balls

The Holy Shit! What the Fuck? Hash House Harriers