Cost: $50
This is the special upgraded alcohol package for US Nash Hash 2024.
This is targeted at hashers who prefer to drink liquor or wine or craft beer rather than keg beer/seltzer/cider.
Participants will get a special Nash Hash souvenir bracelet which grants access to Mr. Boh's Private Bar tent, which will feature a fully-stocked bar staffed with trained bartenders eager to make your boozy dreams come true. Liquors, wines, frozen cocktails, and craft beers await the hasher who buys the magic ticket into this club.
If you've been to Savannah Green Dress and experienced their "Drama Club" option: this is the same idea. In fact, we've even hired the same bartenders they use!
The bar will operate on all 4 days of Nash Hash 2024, generally from breakfast to midnight.
NOTE: Participants will need to purchase an event rego separately for Nash Hash. This is ONLY the liquor add on to your Nash Hash Rego
Venmo: @ScubaDeuce
Paypal: (Note: you need to pay the fees with this option, so it'll cost like $1.20 more)
And you won’t show up on the who’s cumming list until we receive your payment. Pay early, pay often.
Rotten Whore
Old Bay in the V-Jay
Just Carol
(Horses Ass)
9 West
Stupid is as stupid does
Give the Bitch a Ring
Anal Eaze
Puts The Tanning Lotion In The Basket
One Trick Dick (OTD)
Thanks for the Mammaries
Sex Doll Serial killer
Spewart Little
(Vancouver H3)
Jewban Pene Crisis
Dirty wet Pussy
Hoover McSuck n Fuck
Cream On Ya Lasagna
Dude That Guy
Red Foreskin
(eATMe H3)
Mother Inferior
Cottage Cheese
Utica Chub
Garage à Trois
Giggle Dick
Kitchen Bitch
No Man’s Land
Turtle Dick
Ginger Wallbanger
Homeless Box Office
Betty Crotch Popper
Baskin Throbbins
Gaucho Behind the coucho
Auto Erotic Fixation
Dicks & D'orcs
(OH3 )
Sex Toy Story
DRAG (Down Right Anal Glory)
Roose Rips
Expiration Dating
My Big Fat Greek Orgy
Created by Gin | Inspired by many