Cost: $89*
COVID-19 Note: THIS IS A VACCINATED OR NEGATIVE COVID TEST RESULT EVENT! If you have not already done so at a previous Skull & Boner event, you will be required to email proof of vaccine OR negative COVID test within 72 hours of arrival to the event. Please visit our Facebook Page for our guidelines regarding out of state travel to CT, our handling of social distancing, plus health & safety for this event.
Grunge. Flannel. Boy bands. Simpsons when it was actually funny. It’s the 9th mywhorial so we are going back in time to the 90’s! It’s That 90’s Hash! Get your crop tops and cargo pants, giant cell phones like Zac Morris, and your thirst on. Hey, we might even scrounge ups some Zima for the seltzer folks!
Price is scaled:
Early bird til March 24: $59
Until April 14th: $69
Until May 5th: $79
Until May 19th: $89
Please send as FRIENDS & FAMILY to avoid the fee.
Saturday Only Price: $49
Anyone cumming for just Saturday can pay $49 for food, trail and gimme. Please rego and pay beforehand so we have enough. Drop ins are $20 without gimme.
Rego by May 5th for guaranteed gimme
We need volunteers! Cumsider signing up as an event voluntbeer to sweeten the experience! We are looking for voluntbeers for: campsite cleanup, van drivers, food servers, hash flash, and more! You’ll get cool extra swag for helping!
We need: *2 Trash Goblins *2 Kitchen Bitches *2 Drivebeers *2 Slop Slingers (food) *2 Hash Flash *2 Early Friday setup (10/11am) *3 Camp Cleanup
Boner rego ever includes: trail Saturday, tent Shot Crawl Friday, Fat Boy Sunday, some baller Boner gimee, and food all weekend. Plus beer. Lots of beer. And skipper. And DEFINITELY buzzballs.
Skeletwhore is welcoming us back to her property this year! There will be designated areas to be a bit more nakey so we don’t scare the muggles. Who knows, maybe the cops will come investigate the “cult” again!
That 90’s Hash
Flannel, vans, giant cellphone. All things 90’s welcome. Also probably a tent. Vessels, Shiglets, Shot for tent Crawl, spooky stories,, strong liver, desire to play in the mud. Leave your dignity at home.
4 pm arrive/open a cold one
6:30pm Dinner
9pm Lingerie shot crawl
All night camp shenanigans. Stripy Cup! Fireside Chats!
Wake up Breakfast and Mimosas
10am Hab sale
11:30 Sammich stuffs
12:69pm Trail
6pm Dinner
All night camp shenanigans! More stripy cup! More fireside chats!
Wake up leftovers
10 am fat boy trail hared by … you?!
11am GTFO
Virgin Kai
Soggy Bottom
Just Mike
Pinball Jizzer
(Skull & Boners H3)
Biff! Pow! Slap! Slap! Slap!
Just Rachael
Created by Gin | Inspired by many