Cost: $45
Baskin Throbbins and Lieutenant Dayumn
Join Savannah H3 for Hashoween! Lt. Dayumn and Baskin Throbbins will be leading you on the scary way as Beetlejuice and Lydia.
Show up in a costume and be prepared for a shitty pub crawl in Savannah. Several beverages will be provided at bars along trail and Baby Bird Me One More Time will be catering some delicious yummies at the end.
Please pay ahead of time! (If you want it marked faster, send a screenshot of your payment to Baskin)
Location details will be added as we get closer to the event.
A costume! Also, ID and $ for extra drinks or food you may want on the crawl
Ice Ice Maybe
Shove it up your Acid
Oh deer
Patient Zero
Papa don’t breach
Cloak & Gag Her
Pink Slides Up My Moon
Jiggly Jedi
Legend of the Hidden Tampon
Fuxxx in Truxxx
Created by Gin | Inspired by many