SavH3 Lucky 13 BLT - Black Tie, Lingerie, Toga! 2025
01/25 03:30 PM
A SavH3 Pub Crawl
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Options for SavH3 Lucky 13 BLT - Black Tie, Lingerie, Toga! 2025
Current Price: $50
Special Rego options are listed below:
Beverage of Choice
Well Drinks
Cider / Seltzer (no promises/ might get wells)
Food Allergies
Lactose Free
Additional Charge applies to PayPal payments.
13h Anal BLT pub crawl!
Hey wankers, it's that time of year's time to raid your mom's underwear drawer, grab the Hubie Halloween sheets off your bed, or go to Goodwill for the fanciest outfit you can find. Cum join us for the 13th anal Black Tie, Lingerie, or Toga pub crawl! Your shitty hares will lead you all over town in search of that golden nectar, and end with deconstructed sandwiches and snacks.
Hares: Hearse So Good and Sex Ray Tech wHen: Saturday, January 25th, 2025 wHat time: 3:30 pm show 4:00 pm go wHere: Probably Pinkie Masters sHiggy: .69 wHy: For the beer! wHo: Hashers and virgins!
How much: $50 make you holla (virgins too) $55 day of... You still get a patch out of it!
** This year we will also be taking donations for a Rape Crisis Center in Savannah. Donations can be included with your payment, made along the way, stuffed in our bras. You got cash to donate? We will gladly take that off your hands for a fabulous cause!
wHat to Bring: Yourselves, your ID, a phone capable of calling your drunk ass an uber at the end of the night, a thirst for adventure.
Please rego by Jan 18th if you plan to cum so we can make enough bacon for all of you lovely drunkards. Deadline for refunds 1/11/2025.
Black Tie, Toga, Lingerie
Cost: $50*
Hearse So Good, Sex Ray Tech
Cost: $50*
Hearse So Good, Sex Ray Tech
13h Anal BLT pub crawl!
Hey wankers, it's that time of year's time to raid your mom's underwear drawer, grab the Hubie Halloween sheets off your bed, or go to Goodwill for the fanciest outfit you can find. Cum join us for the 13th anal Black Tie, Lingerie, or Toga pub crawl! Your shitty hares will lead you all over town in search of that golden nectar, and end with deconstructed sandwiches and snacks.
Hares: Hearse So Good and Sex Ray Tech wHen: Saturday, January 25th, 2025 wHat time: 3:30 pm show 4:00 pm go wHere: Probably Pinkie Masters sHiggy: .69 wHy: For the beer! wHo: Hashers and virgins!
How much: $50 make you holla (virgins too) $55 day of... You still get a patch out of it!
** This year we will also be taking donations for a Rape Crisis Center in Savannah. Donations can be included with your payment, made along the way, stuffed in our bras. You got cash to donate? We will gladly take that off your hands for a fabulous cause!
wHat to Bring: Yourselves, your ID, a phone capable of calling your drunk ass an uber at the end of the night, a thirst for adventure.
Please rego by Jan 18th if you plan to cum so we can make enough bacon for all of you lovely drunkards. Deadline for refunds 1/11/2025.