Cost: $69
You asked for it, and we actually heard you!
SavH3 is calling all you wankers to cum out, and join us for L.I.C.K.M.E. 2
(Ludowici Intoxicated Campout Kick-ass Mother Event 2).
A full camping weekend of drunken shenanigans, trails, debauchery, and, of course, intoxication. Morgan lake has actually invited us back (shocking, I know!) so we fully intend to take advantage of their invade for a different weekend this year.
What do you get for your money you may ask? You'll get an awesome gimme, shiggylicous trails, beer for days, and of course a weekend with the deliciously debaucherous hostess hash of Savannah.
4:00pm - 6:00pm Registration open, and Kegs tapped.
7:00pm - 8:00pm Dinner
9:30- Shooting Star Trail
8:00am - Breakfast ( I mean Mimosas, and Bloody Marys)
10:00am- SavH3 shiggy trail
12:00pm - Lunch
4:20pm - Another opportunity to run a SavH3 shiggy trail
6:00pm - Dinner
7:00pm--- Beer, Shots, and booze
8:00am - Breakfast, and Booze
11:00a - 12:00p - Pack up, and GTFO
Flying Saucers
(Panhandle Cossack...)
Blue Light Special
Chiquita Bananal
Multilingual Mustache Rider
NFHN Jessica
Fire N the Hole
(Tallahassee H3)
Foreskin and Seven Stitches Ago
Purple Kitchen
NFHN Shawn
Then The Nazis Came
Bear Force One
Makes Good Lube
Humpty Dumpty In My Cunty
Barbies Were Like Involved
Spitting Centwhore
Always in Season
Fellat Mi No
Give the Bitch a Ring
Strawberry Shortcock
(none (nomadic))
Revolving Whore
(Happy Heretics H3)
Goat Touch Me
All the Vaginas
Rachel's Wallet
Fistful of Fingers
Cunder Thunt Ho
Don't Tell My Wives
Cat Stration
Chainsaw Masochist
Queef 'n' Cheddar
( )
3 Second
Black out blow out
Mother Stump Humper
Homeless hole hunter
(Bakersfield H3)
Spit Delivery
Midget Rodeo
Cum on Barbie (Let's Go Party!)
Hood Whorenament
(Happy Heretics H3)
Windows NT
(Sembach H3)
Butt Nutt
Created by Gin | Inspired by many