Cost: $10*
TenderizeHer and Twatwaffle
What is best in life? To crush the hab, r*n shitty trail in The North and hear the lamentations of other kennels! (because SHIGGY! And JELLY!)
What's even better? Doing it all for a good cause!
Twatwaffle and TenderizeHer will be hosting / haring the first ever PINK DRESS in The North! All monies raised will be donated to local breast cancer patient(s) to help offset medical costs.
Rego here and pay your $10 by paypal to to guarantee a personalized gimmie!
Might not make it? Rego and send the $10 anyway (it's for charity!) And we will send you the gimmie! That’s a whole new level of Never Leave Camp!
So grab a Pink Dress, pack your dry bag (and maybe a tent! Crash space is available!) and get that sweet booty to trail!
More details to cum!
Pink Dress
Dry bag
Skratch n Stiff
(Rogue North)
Orgy cycle
Goes Down on the Rebound
(Asheville Hash Ho...)
Space Down Ass Up
Silence of the Goats
(Ben Franklin Mob H3)
Psycho Tiller
Cum Sail Away
Cup Dispenser
(DC Red Tent H3)
Packs em in the rear
(Rouge North)
Beulah Ballbreaker
Snatch Avenger
(Old Frederick Has...)
Wetback Mountain
Cheap Lyft
Awww Dam
Just Nikki
Coon Pie Ya
Just Vic
Created by Gin | Inspired by many