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Host Kennel:


Down Down on the Brown Brown


Current GM of Wilderness H3 and Social Distancing H3, former MM of Reno H3 and BFM H3, travel hasher, pupper petter, blackout risk, and shiggy snob.

RenoH3 Elbows Deep In Nevada: Wilderness Hash Weekend 2019

08/16 02:00 PM

A RenoH3 Hash Campout

Cost: $79*


Elbows Deep in Nevada: Hash Wilderness Weekend


AUG 16TH, 2019 TO AUG 18TH, 2019

Come join Reno H3 for the ultimate camping weekend. The bright lights of the casinos will be far away, and you’ll be surrounded by running rivers, star-filled skies, horny resident mountain goats, and be “elbows deep” with 50 other shiggy loving hashers. This is a newly created park, and the shitters you’ll be using have been built by one of your very own. We promise epic trails, unlimited beer, good food, breathtaking views, and a unique hash weekend you’ll never forget.


It’s Elbows Deep in Nevada: Hash Wilderness Weekend, and it’s the weekend of August 16th, 2019, so get your rego in now, to guarantee your spot. Well behaved dogs with leashes and kennels are welcome.


Camping fees, meals, beer (duh you alkie lovers), five trails, hash games, some cool gimmes, and a special gimme for if you survive the weekend (and also, our respect).


At the Bighorn Campground, in Walker River State Recreation Area, at the bend in the Carson River which is aptly named, the Elbow, and right now, it’s very deep, so bring floaties. The campground is primitive (pit toilets, yay) with breathtaking views of the high desert and High Sierra. Located 2 hours south of Reno Tahoe International Airport, 1.2 hours south of Carson City, and 30 minutes away from the Travertine and Buckeye Hot Springs.


It’s $59 until 5/1, it’s $69 until 7/18, and it’s $79 after 7/18.

We’re paying for unlimited beer, food, the campsite, gimmes, and much more so, know it’s going back to funding you drunkards.

Current Reno H3 kennel members have dibs until April 18th, so rego up and represent your kennel, because we expect to sell out and we're capping this event at 50.


Fill out this rego form (https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSftTs0wf7RRZB4fLEF8N60ljZim_NzRnHmqASn2-NIpQs5TGw/viewform), so we can ask you what your favorite animals are, what your name is, and so we don’t poison you when we cook. And send your rego to our loyal Hash Cash Butt Stuff at: http://www.paypal.me/alex5455.

Make sure to include you nerd name, hash name, and home kennel under notes.


Below is a map so you can creep on the location to your heart's content!

https://goo.gl/maps/2BSBYhNxDM82 and the state park http://parks.nv.gov/about/explore-your-nevada-initiative/q-a-walker


Don't be shy, we're here to service you, and answer all your Elbows Deep related questions. So message us on FB or post your questions below, it there's a slight pause in response time it's bc Down Down put on one of his furry costumes and quarantined the rest of misman somewhere in his compound.

Tent, Sleeping Bag, Well Behaved Canines, Zero Dignity, Water Bottle, Whistles, Thirst for Brew, Desire For Adventure, Flotation Devices, Your Elbows

Start Location Details

Bighorn Campground at the Elbow, signage and true trails!

Bighorn Campground Unnamed Road, Wellington, NV

Public Event

See the full list!

3 Hashers came


Just Justin

(None yet but live...)

Put it in the hole

Travel Hasher

Bloody Wanker

(Reno H3)