Cost: $45
Papa Rocks
This is our annual Pirate Hash - Dress like a Pirate or Wench or we'll plunder yer booty! You'll canoe 6 miles down the mighty Tuscarawas River while drinking the finest grog we could get on the cheap.
$45 will get you: seat in canoe / beer / pizza. Camping space if you want to stay over night.
Additional information will be sent about a week prior. Please reach out if you have any questions.
Pirate Hash / Cabrewing / Camp
What to bring besides a sense of humor and adventure: * A small treasure chest(cooler) to keep your grog chilled while at sea(AKA on the river). Beverages will be provided. If you don't bring your own treasure chest you will get a cheap plastic bag with some ice and Godspeed if you take an unintentional dip in the water. ** A chair to sit on/in at the On After. *** Virgins! **** A dry bag (change of clothes, socks, shoes) as you never know if your canoe will be boarded. Argh! ****** A headlamp or flashlight as it gets dark quickly this time of year. ******** Tent or hammock or large cardboard box and anything else you may need if camping overnight. * A friend or two for some extra companionship.
10:30 AM Campsite open for set up
11:30 AM Pre-lube and lunch (on you own) available at Towpath Cabin across street from campsite.
2:00 PM Check-In at Campsite
2:45 PM Vans depart to Canoe Livery
3:00 PM Chalk Talk at Canoe Livery
3:15 PM To The High Seas!
7:00 PM Pizza
7:30 PM Circle
8:30 On After around the camp fire. (BYOB)
just Liz
Ready Player 2
Virgin Sarah
Scratch and Sniff
Abortion Scrapbook
Trash panda
Virgin Abbie
Jagger Snatch
Created by Gin | Inspired by many