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PFH3 Green Jacket

05/10 02:00 PM

A PFH3 Trail

Cost: $35


Dirty Dommx Done Dirt Cheap


Alright wankers cum join Peach Fuzz for an afternoon of shenanigans at our anal kennel Green Jacket Trail. Our Hare will be Dirty Dom Done Dirt Cheap. We’ll smack balls, chug beer, and shoot our shots as is tradition. For the love of G bring virgins, vessels, ids, shiggy socks, and spare change for on-after. Snacks on trail and dinner to follow (probably tacos, with vegetarian options).

Rego will be $35 includes beer some food on trail and off.
Venmo: @peachfuzzh3
Cash app: $peachfuzzh3
Cash at start of trail is accepted.

Bring sacrifices or as we call them Virgins!
Extra money for hab, vessels, ID,extra credit monies, love for G and support for your fellow kennel mates!
We can't wait to see yall delinquents there for a great time and tits!

This trail will be A to A. 2.5 shiggy level.

Also, if needing crash space tent space and floor space is available per request, contact Peach Fuzz Mis-Man
BM Stealthy ( Amber Freeman)
803-552-8266, Facebook
GM Klepto (Cynthia wilson)
Facebook/ cynwilson27@gmail.com

Green Jacket- Golf

Extra money for hab, vessels, ID, extra credit change, love for G

Location Details

The Highlander - parking lot

133B Georgia Ave, North Augusta, SC 29841

Highlander - British Pub

133B Georgia Ave, North Augusta, SC 29841

If needing crash space - tent space and floor space is available per request, contact Peach Fuzz Mis-Man
BM Stealthy ( Amber Freeman)
803-552-8266, Facebook
GM Klepto (Cynthia wilson)
Facebook/ cynwilson27@gmail.com

Public Event

See the full list!

3 Hashers cumming


Klepto Cheeri-Ho

Peach Fuzz Hash House Harriers

Stealthy forth whore

Peach Fuzz Hash House Harriers


Peach Fuzz Hash House Harriers