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OKissMeH3 Most Magical Hash on Earth 2023

05/19 06:00 PM

A OKissMeH3 Hash Weekend

Cost: $29

OKissMe H3 Most Magical Hash on Earth Weekend May 19-21, 2023

Florida is open - no masks required, vaccination up to you. If you participate, you accept the risk.

Agenda and Cost:
Pre-event F55 (Not OKissMe H3) Pay as you go:
5/19/2023 6:00pm - Drinking Practice (Happy Hour prices till 8pm, but they start at 4pm if you want to pre-lube)
13769 S John Young Pkwy, Orlando, FL 32837

Pre-event O2H3 trail (Not OKissMe H3) $7:
5/20/2022 2:00pm - Start with our Mother Hash the Other Orlando Hash House Harriers (O2H3). Trail starting at the Tupperware Sunrail Station, 3205 S Orange Ave, Kissimmee, FL 34744 (free parking). Meet 2:00pm, Hares away 2:30pm, Pack at 2:40pm (this will be a regular O2H3 trail and circle). Cost is $7, pay to O2H3 Hash Cash upon arrival.* Trail length about 4 miles for runners and about 3ish for walkers; shiggy rating 6 for runners and about a 3 for walkers. Information will be posted by the Wednesday before on www.o2h3.net.

The Event and OKissMeH3 trail 12+13 (counts as double) $15:
5/20/2022 about 5:00pm OKissMe H3 Trail/Circle starting at the same location: the Tupperware Sunrail Station, 3205 S Orange Ave, Kissimmee, FL 34744 (dinner and drinks included in Rego along with a swimming pool and hot tub).

The Event and OKissMeH3 trail 14 $7:
5/21/2022 11:00am Meet, 11:45 Hares Away, Noon Pack Away - OKissMe H3 Hangover Hash Trail starting behind the Osceola Welcome Center, 4155 W Vine St, Kissimmee, FL 34741 (free parking). Circle, beer, more beer, and mimosas & bloody mary's included.

OKissMe H3 Patches and Stickers $5 each

Bring Virgins, Bathing Suit, and Sunscreen!

OKissMe H3 is celebrating being 1 year old in Orlando/Kissimmee Florida. The hash is normally a hangover-style hash once a month plus events and drinking practice/throw-together hashes for out-of-town visitors. Hash cash is $2 plus bring a six-pack, bottle of wine, or bottle of liquor (may we suggest bloody mary's or mimosas)!!! Those that fail to bring alcohol may choose to pay $10 to partake. Watch for details for future trails/events on https://okissmeh3.com/, HashRego, and Facebook.

Virgins, Bathing Suit, and Sunscreen!

Start Location Details

Friday: Tavern at the Creek; Saturday: Tupperware Sunrail Station; Sunday Osceola Visitor Center

Tupperware Sunrail Station: 3205 S Orange Ave, Kissimmee, FL 34744

Public Event

See the full list!

8 Hashers came


Short Cummings

It's twue, it's twue!

Let him finish


Private Snowball


Virgin Mary

(Other Orlando H3)

Blee Blah Blue Blah

Other Orlando H3



Fire in the Hole

Orlando Kissimmee H3

Glowing Penis Hidden Finger

(O2H3 / OKH3)