Cost: $160
OK, OK, We finally got our collective shit together.
Who? You, dumbass
What? The 2024 LVH3-BFM Campout, celebrating 10 years at the woods!!!
When? June 28th at 2PM to the 30th at Noon.
Where? The Woods Camping Resort, 3500 Forest Street, Lehighton, PA 18235
Why? Because! The woods theme this weekend is “Key West”. And Key West is known for Fantasy Fest… So We, being lazy half-minds flat out stole the theme for this years Fantasy Fest of 90’S NEON COSMIC CARNIVAL!!!!
Umm, COST: $160.00 (food is expensive, sorry.)
Payment will be through PAYPAL or VENMO, your rego will not be finalized until we have received your payment. Also, any payments that are not sent family and friends will be rejected. Please note that this year payments will be sent Don't Stop Me Heavin' not Red Cock Down.
Venmo is @Josh-M-Byington
Paypal is
When is rego live? This Friday April 26th at Noon.
The Full information thingy:
Please see the full details on the hash rego event page, as that will have payment info and all that.
You will not have a spot reserved until you are paid. When you pay, there may be a delay until you show up on the Paid list, don’t panic.
We do need volunteers to make this event happen, please see the separate post about signing up.
The event is capped at 150 people
We will be in the same field as last year
Your Rego to this campout includes the entire Woods Camping Resort. The trails, pool, Hot Tubs, Showers, etc are open just for you.
Your registration to the woods is for the entire season! You can go back!!!
We don’t like to mess with a good thing, so our schedule is mainly a refresh from last year.
Friday June 28th
2:00pm: Rego tent opens – do not arrive before this time or else I will put you to work!!
4:00pm: Kegs tapped by this time. It will probably be earlier, but they will definitely be flowing by then. There will be plenty of seltzer this year too!
6:00pm: Dinner – Taco Nacho Bar – There will be about 10 servings of GF/Vegan items available, if you are not GF/Vegan please leave them for the hashers that are.
8:00pm: Shot Trail opening circle.
9:00ish: Shot Trail – Bring your livers because Red Cock Down has already Volunteered and he doesn’t have to adult this year. Make sure he doesn’t make it back to his tent.
Saturday June 29th
7am: Breakfast – Sausage, egg, and potato hash – Will be as close to GF as we can get, but clearly not Vegan.
10:00am: Trail opening circle, then Trail!!!!!
1:00pm: Lunch – Hamburgers and hot dogs – I will have a few Vegan/GF burgers available, if you are not Vegan/GF please be nice and don’t take them.
2:00pm: Hash Games – BFM has some great shenanigans planned for all of you wankers
6:00pm: Dinner – Pizza – working on GF options. Will update shortly.
12:00am: Still awake?... Midnight Naked Trail
Sunday June 30th
7am: – lazy Breakfast – Pastries, Muffins, Fruit, Coffee, and leftovers
9:30 – Circle up for Fatboy trail
12:00pm: G.T.F.O. and go use the pool, hot tubs, showers. You paid for the whole campground, use the whole thing!!
Papa Porta Jawn
Lawyers Share Dildos
Bag of Babies
Canadian FuXXXedo
Snorts and Squirts
Bread dicks
Pepe le Poo
(Ithaca H3)
Sac Lunch
(Taco Tuesday H3)
Lincoln Fucknancial Field
Beer Bitch Barbie
Jewels of Duh Nile
Just allison
Just Michelle
(Taco Tuesday H3)
Unregistered Socks Offender
Same Girl Different Dog
Screaming Pussy
Dead Hooker
Michael Jacksoff
Just Mimi
(Ben Franklin Mob H3)
3 Whores Down
Music to my Tears
Just Jacki
Tasty Muff
Dookie Howser
Twinkle Twat
Deer Bitch
(Ithaca H3)
Created by Gin | Inspired by many