Cost: $85
Welcome to the 69th anal Juneau Green Dress run! Be prepared for some shiggy trail, unknown weather, and hopefully enough beer to make it all feel better. This is a three day event in lovely Juneau Alaska which will involve a pre-trail on Friday night, green dress on Saturday , and hangover trail on Sunday. Please find your best green dress and your best onsie for hangover. If you have any questions, please reach out to misman. You might want to pack some spikes just in case we have some ice so no one ends up in the ED.
After you sign up, you can Venmo payment to:
Please include your hash name and JNU Green Dress in the comments.
St. Patrick’s Day
Spikes, green dress for all genders, and onsie.
Juneau AK
Start Location TBA
Friday night trail is still being determined on hares and location.
Pull out your best green dress for this event. We will be downtown again this year for trail. There will be snacks on trail along with a buffet, drinks, and shenanigans after.
Hares to be determined along with start location.
Bring your favorite onsie to wear for our hangover trail. This one will be better then last years including less mileage!
Hares and trail location to be determined
Mouthy Bitch
R2-D Cups
Just Matt
Just Teresa
10K 2 Play
Stops to Pet the Pussy
Created by Gin | Inspired by many