Cost: $130*
It wouldn't be a November in Toronto without a weekend of fun trails!!
The event will be kept in line with the current government regulations and restrictions. This means that all activities (including trails, beer checks, meals, and circle) will be distanced and sanitary, and attendance will be capped at 60half minds.
You are not guaranteed a spot on the who’s cuming list until you pay up and we are restricting attendance to this event to Covid-19 fully vaccinated hashers, so to complete your registration you need to send your proof of double vax to (no exemptions)
Please use your best judgement when deciding if you want to attend, and respect others' distance while on trail. We may be half minds, but we can still be smart and safe.
If you have any questions regarding the organization of the event, please contact Airtight or other Hogtown mismanagement.
Now on to our fun bits!
When: Friday November 12 to Sunday November 14
** If you're Cumming! Cum early for the Thursday TWAT Trail! (not included in price)
Theme: 34DD: Muppets gone WILD!!!
Rego price: $150/USD 130
** we guarantee hab if you rego before Oct 21st, otherwise you are risking NOT getting the cool hab, wank away but sorry
Canadian regos: Etransfer to:
CAN $ paypal:
US regos: follow the link on hashrego
If you do not want to attend one of the days, find somebody who does and split the cost with them. This year we don't offer rego price for parts of the weekend.
Your rego gets you:
* Hogtown awesome haberdashery
* Friday: Onesie Run/Walk (BYOOnesies), BEvERages (beer/wine/shots), light dinner, circle
* Saturday: Trail, BCs, and snacks, circle, BEvERages (beer/wine/shots), & dinner (wear your theme costume for the evening shenanigans).
Note: Saturday’s trail ends at the on-in so bring a dry bag to trail with your clean and fun costume to wear. We will bring your bag to on-in.
* Sunday Fatboy Trail, Hangover BEvERages, & snacks
Hash hotel for the out of towners is The Madison Manor Boutique Hotel. It’s central downtown surrounded by shops and restaurants, steps away from the Spadina subway station so super easy to move around to hashes via pubic transit. It’s a small hotel so reserve today as it will get booked up fast…
**There are no organized shenanigans taking place at this hotel
Link for reservations: email for our HOGTOWN group discount as per below:
Rate CAN $$129.00 for the standard/ twin rooms, $149.00 for the deluxe rooms and $169.00 for the suites per night plus applicable taxes – includes breakfast and free cancellation until the week of the event
There is limited hash crash available: email Loopy at
The Madison Manor Boutique Hotel
Hash hotel is The Madison Manor Boutique Hotel. It’s central downtown surrounded by shops and restaurants, steps away from the Spadina subway station so super easy to move around to hashes via pubic transit. It’s a small hotel so reserve today as it will get booked up fast…
**There are no organized shenanigans taking place at this hotel
CAN $$129.00 for the standard rooms, $149.00 for the deluxe rooms and $169.00 for the suites per night plus taxes – includes breakfast and free cancellation until the week of the event
There is paid parking behind the hotel - 1 minute walk
Address: 9-35 Spadina Rd Parking,-79.4039173,20.25z/data=!4m13!1m7!3m6!1s0x882b3497d21e05bd:0x83046d7cf388e368!2s20+Madison+Ave,+Toronto,+ON+M5R+2S1!3b1!8m2!3d43.6680405!4d-79.4035016!3m4!1s0x882b3497cb6f6f8b:0x3a0587086e56c176!8m2!3d43.6679052!4d-79.4039661
20 Madison Ave., Toronto ON, M5R 2S1
Friday Onesie Run (BYOOnesie):
Unofficial Prelube (not included in rego): Cerveceria de Barrio, 884 Queen St. E. at 2:30pm
Registration: The Duke Live, 1225 Queen St. E. at 4:30pm
Trail: 6pm start! Beer/vino checks, hot not so chocolatey check, snacks
After trail: Greek dinner, drinks, circle beer, Jam Night and Party at The Duke!!!
Bring your shit for the after-trail dinner/party – you can leave your dry bag at the party room
Meetup: The Madison Avenue Pub at 1pm room B2 and will have access to the patio TEX - 14 Madison Avenue. Follow the Hogtown arrows and signs to get to our party room….you will still get lost at the Maddy
Trail: 2pm start – there will be pleeeenty of libations to be had including local beer, vino, shots and your hogtown famous samosas
After trail: Dinner, drinks, circle beer, Best Costume Contest and Party like a Wild Puppet at The Madison!
This is a pay as you play brewery tour. Hash beer will be provided for a beer check and circle. Some lite meal will be available after trail <3
Trail: 1pm start! at The Junction Craft Brewery, 150 Symes Rd.
(unofficial prelube when they open at 12)
Bottle Share Beer Tasting: As in years past, Stuntboobs will be “hosting” a beer tasting of hasher’s local beers. Bring a few bottles from your favourite local brewery and share them with the hash. If you would like to drop off your beer ahead of time, please check with Stuntboobs. Please BYOVessel for this hash.
God Damn Unmarkable
1Hump or2 / Baroness Beer Bitch split rego
First Lady / Blurry Beaver split rego
(Hogtown H3)
G. I.
Mr PeeeeeNut
(Canmore H3)
Dipsy Doodler
(Hogtown H3)
Can cum in my mouth
Short Cockasian
Cheap Thrills
Half Wit
Mother Sucker
Gay Shame
(Taiwan Hash House...)
Little Big Man
Back Door Buzz
Naughty Ways
Plastic Jesus
Fat Ass
Gutter Guzzler
Sex Tourist
Slips n slides
Just Ava
Stunt Boobs
Mr Wet Fister
National Pornographic
Created by Gin | Inspired by many