Cost: $195*
Your WIE committee and EWH3 MM are closely monitoring the ever changing COVID-19 guidance from the CDC as well as DC and MD local governments. While we are optimistic, note that plans may change with little to no notice. In the event that we must cancel this event, full refunds will be issued for all regos.
For the most up-to-date announcements, discussions, and memes, join the Facebook group here:
(We are aware of the Paypal linking issue. At this time, we will periodically cross-reference payments and manually mark regos as paid until the issue can be resolved. Thanks for your patience!)
Great Scott! It seems like just yesterday, we were packing for WIE 2020. Suddenly, we blinked and the years had passed us by! But don’t worry, we can go back – to the Castle in the Sand.
So, load up the DeLorean and don your best 80’s time travel attire because if our calculations are correct, when this baby hits 69 miles per hour, you’re gonna see some serious shit.
Friday –
Load up the DeLorean and don your best 80’s time travel attire because if our calculations are correct, when this baby hits 69 miles per hour, you’re gonna see some serious shit.
• Friday night trail
• 80's themed "bar crawl" - With karaoke, snacks, and more!
Saturday –
Where we’re going, WIE don’t need roads! Travel back to WIE 2020 for a night full of Reigning & Pouring!
• Breakfast
• Royal Procession, with FOUR trail options, including a Ball Buster
• Lunch
• Garden Party, to include a Bonfire Circle
• State Banquet (Dinner)
• Iron Throne Bartender, where bartenders from across the lands shall convene in hopes of winning over your hearts and livers
• Royal Ball/party in the dungeon
Sunday –
Hash to the Future
• Brunch on Your Own
• Make like a tree and get outta here
Your team will be composed of creatures from all time periods, both past, present, and future.
WIE 2022 – Hash to the Future
Date: April 1-3, 2022
Castle in the Sand
3701 Atlantic Ave
Ocean City, MD
What your rego gets you:
• Modern day hab (for the first 100 regos) & super special vintage give-aways.
• Room for two nights in a RECENTLY RENOVATED hotel. Rego early to secure your preferred companion.
• All the beverages you choose to consume.
• Three meals on Saturday, plus snacks and leftovers.
• Access to the TARDIS for a blast from the past, featuring music from each era.
• Games of the drinking and non-drinking variety.
• The opportunity to be a judge for Iron Throne Bartender.
• Three trails.
• A bonfire circle lasting longer than your ex.
• A later date, meaning warmer weather!
• Attendees are responsible for their own transportation to and from.
4 per room: $175 apiece
3 per room: $197 apiece
2 per room: $240 apiece
Single: $360
Condo: $220 (Minimum occupancy for a condo is 5 people, up to 6 can be accommodated if you get cozy)
Rego early for a discount!
• -$20 before 1/23
• -$10 before 2/25
• +$10 PITA fee after 3/18
Take the money you saved and donate it to...
Gispert Scholarship
We all get by with a little help from our friends.
Email to learn how to apply for a scholarship to WIE 2022.
If you would like to help sponsor a potential drunk in need, choose a donation at checkout!
A note about 2020 holdover regos
Many of you still have regos from the cancelled 2020 WIE. In order to apply your rego to this event simply rego but do not pay, then fill out this form. A 2020 rego guarantees you a 2022 rego of your current room type at no extra cost, however any edits to room preference will result in a charge. 2020 regos cannot be transferred to another person.
If you hold a 2020 rego and cannot attend on the scheduled date fill out this form. Refund requests will be honored until February 8, 2022.
If you do not re-rego for the 2022 event or request a refund by February 8, your rego will be treated as a donation and reabsorbed into the WIE budget.
Questions? Comments? Concerns? Critiques? Contact your WIE Organizing Committee at
Hash to the Future
R*nning gear, costumes, cold beach clothes, your own drinking vessel, for the love of Gispert a toothbrush, extra underwear, and YOUR ID and proof of vaccination.
Texas Hold Him
Immoral Support
Seriously 5-10
Just Cas
23 in Me
Beauty and the Beastiality
Reduce Reuse Recoitus
Just Erin
(Everyday Is Wedne...)
Leaning Tower of Please Ya
Just Rose
You Sucked My Battledick
General Tso’s Dicken
Anal Fission
Ginja Ninja
Please Step Away from the Whores
A Midsemester Nights Cream
Raider of the Lost Box
Trains, Stains, and Automobiles
Silver Spooge
Turkey Twat
Just Steve
Music to my Tears
Easter Egg Cunt
Just jarely
Screaming Pussy
Slappy Ending
(Everyday Is Wedne...)
What’s A Boner?
Created by Gin | Inspired by many