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01/11 11:33 PM

A EWH3 Trail

Cost: $10


General Tso’s Dicken, Head Injury, Ready Player None, Tie Me Up Before You Go Go, Vagina is for Lawyers


You are cordially invited to the pre-graduation party for the 2023 Class of MisManagement (in rough order of tenure)…

Poon-apple Juice

(GM 2023, 2020-2021; Whorganizer, 2023, Haberdasher, 2023; Scribe 2022, 2018; RA 2019)

Most Likely to Succeed

“I should have burned this place down when I had the chance.” -Michael Scott, quoting Poon-apple Juice

Head Injury

(Jubilee 2023; OnSec 2022, 2016-2017; Harerazor 2018)


“Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.” -Head Injury, on his years on MisMan

General Tso’s Dicken

(Harerazor 2023; GM 2022; Hash Flash 2020; OnSec 2018-2019)

“Teacher’s Pet”

“MisMan is easy. It’s like riding a bike; and the bike is on fire and the ground is on fire and everything is on fire because you’re in hell.”

Close Encounters of the Turd Kind

(RA 2022-2023; Scribe 2020-2021)

MM Class Clown

“Send Nudes”

Ready Player None

(Brewmeister 2023; RA 2023; Hash Cash 2020-2022)

Most Likely to Still be on MisMan in Ten Years

“I am Ray.”

Burlington Ho Factory

(OnSec 2023; Hash Cash 2022)


“If he spends my change then he had [reimbursements] coming.” -Taylor Swift(’s tribute to BHo)

Vagina is for Lawyers

(Porn Guru 2023)

Most Likely to Survive MisMan Hunger Games

“You ever have that moment when you’re going down the elevator after a MisMan meeting, see your reflection, and wonder what you’re doing with your life? Oh yeah, totally not me either…”

Tie Me Up Before You Go Go

(Scribe 2023)

Hash Heartbreaker

“I’d wish MisMan the best, but they already had it…”

Immoral Support

(Hash Cash 2023)

Most Likely to Fall Asleep During a MisMan Meeting

“Senior quote? Oh shit, that was due today?”

This Little Piggy

(Hash Cash 2023)

Most Likely to Write a Direct-to-Video Movie about Their Time on MisMan

“I am Beyonce in a MisMan full of Michelles.”

Screaming Pussy

(Hash Flash 2023)

Most Likely to Be Probed by Aliens or Something Cool like That

“I’m never going to give you up, never going to let you down, never going to run around, and desert you.” -Screaming Pussy’s thoughts on Misman

Crocs On, Crocs Off

(Hash Flash 2023)

Most Likely to Solve All of MisMan’s Problems

“When I die, I want MisMan to lower me into the ground just so they can let me down one last time.”

Trains, Stains, and Automobiles (TSA)

(OreHo 2023)

Most Likely to Hustle Orange Food Under the Bleachers

“Not all goodbyes are sad…”

Tumey McBoatFace

(Scribe 2023)

Most Likely to Take up Residence in Scrotal Recall

“MisMan wasn’t like High School Musical at all.”


When: 6:45 PM Thursday, January 12, 2023. Pack will be away right at 7:15 PM, don’t be late!

Where: Waterfront Metro (Green Line), follow marks to start

Nearest Capital Bike Share: 4th and M Street SW

Hares: General Tso’s Dicken, Head Injury, Ready Player None, Tie Me Up Before You Go Go, Vagina is for Lawyers

Trail Details:
– Runners: 2.2 mi. first half / 2.0 mi. second half

– Walkers: 1.2 mi first half / 1.1 mi. second half

– Shiggy: 0.69

Miscellaneous Crap: Trail is A to B (0.5 mi to Navy Yard Metro). Bring your own vessel, a cranium light, and a full water bottle. Sign up on Hash Rego is required if paying by card! Be smart, have fun.

End Metro: Navy Yard

Last Trains Out:

Branch Ave: 12:18am

Glenmont: 11:52pm

On After*: Walter’s (10 N Street SE)

Specials: MisMan is special!

*On Afters are an unofficial hash adjacent event. Please use your best adult judgment to decide about your participation.

“It’s been real. It’s been fun. It hasn’t been real fun.”

On- signing off -on,

General Tso’s Dicken, 2023 Harerazor

Location Details

Waterfront Metro (Green Line)

399 M St SW, Washington, DC 20024


10 N St SE, Washington, DC 20003

Public Event

See the full list!

26 Hashers came


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Screeching Eargasm


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Too Easy


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George StuffedAnOctopus


The Cumburglar


Special Red

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No Strings Attached (NSA)

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Got NSA?

Blows a tranny

(Vicenza Derelicts...)

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Just Greg


Just Emily


Latter Day Skank


Blows A Tranny

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Just Jimmy


General Tso’s Dicken


Face down mask up
