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EWH3 EWH3 #1315: The Also Oktobierfest Trail! - 6:45 PM Thursday, September 29 - Shaw/ Howard Metro] (Green/Yellow Line)

09/29 11:36 PM

A EWH3 Trail

Cost: $7





As the CDC and DC Health continue to update and revise guidelines, Mismanagement is working to determine how the hash fits into these recommendations. For this reason, masks are optional for fully vaccinated individuals. Vessels are still required for everyone.

Cinch up your Dirndls and Lederhosen it’s Oktobierfest (be careful what you agree at an On-After to hare) in Shaw!

When: 6:45 PM Thursday, September 29, 2022. Pack will be away right at 7:15 PM, don’t be late!

Where: Shaw/Howard Metro, Follow Marks to Start

Nearest Capital Bike Share: 7th & R St St NW

Hares: Special Red, General’s Farm Animal, Lorena Hobbit, Just Kayla and possibly other Griswolds…

Trail Details:
- Runners: 2 mi. first half / 2.5 mi. second half
- Walkers: 1 mi first half / 1.5 mi. second half
- Shiggy: 0.69
Pavement - ok for strollers, dogs, and GFA

Miscellaneous Crap: Trail is A to A. Bring your own vessel, a cranium light, and a full water bottle. Be smart, have fun.

End Metro: Shaw/Howard
Last Trains Out:
Branch Ave (Green): 11:49pm
Greenbelt (Green): 12:19am

On After*: Dacha Beer Garden. If you plan to come to the On After, note that indoor venues may choose to keep vaccine and mask requirements in place.

Specials: The Hare is Special

Start Location Details

Shaw/ Howard University Metro

Shaw/ Howard University Metro

Public Event

See the full list!

34 Hashers came


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