Cost: $7
As the CDC and DC Health continue to update and revise guidelines, Mismanagement is working to determine how the hash fits into these recommendations. For this reason, masks are optional for fully vaccinated individuals. Vessels are still required for everyone.
Who wants to be the teacher’s pet?
It’s back-to-school time, with your hares! Break out those study guides, cheat sheets, and #2 pencils, because this trail is covering all sorts of topics: geography, history, chemistry,… anatomy… We’ll be reading, ‘riting, and running all around Tenleytown area, so bone up on the basics and pray for generous curves and sex-tra credit! Sign up for all the extracurriculars - and extra shots - but don’t fail out, when you could graduate with (on-hers) honors! By the way… is that your GPA or your breathalyzer results?
When: 6:45 PM Thursday, September 1, 2022. Pack will be away right at 7:15 PM, don’t be late!
Where: Tenleytown / AU - up the escalator and up the second escalator stairs. Or elevator.
Nearest Capital Bike Share: Wisconsin Ave, just south of Albemarle St
Hares: Pinocchi-Ho; Chicks Ahoy!; Burlington Ho Factory; Son, WTF?; Stain Gretzky; and You Sucked My Battledick!
Trail Details:
- Runners: 2.69 mi. first half (nice) / 2.2 mi. second half
- Walkers: 1.3ish first half / 1.1ish mi. second half
- Shiggy: High heels are strictly against dress code. But bug spray is smart accessorizing.
Headlamps required for runners! Might not be a bad idea for walkers…
Miscellaneous Crap: Trail is A to A’ (easy 0.4mi). Bring your own vessel, a cranium light, and a full water bottle. Be smart, have fun.
End Metro: Tenleytown / AU
Last Trains Out:
- Glenmont 11:50 PM
- Shady Grove 12:20 AM
On After*: Guapo’s! If you plan to come to the On After, note that indoor venues may choose to keep vaccine and mask requirements in place.
Specials: Depends on how you did in your Spanish 101 course…
*On Afters are an unofficial hash adjacent event. Please use your best adult judgment to decide about your participation.
Upcoming Events!
Save the Date September 17th: EWH3 Hare and Brew Crew Party. Do you want free beer and food while getting some experience honing your hare and brew crew skills? Then save the date, more details to come!
D.C. Beer Mile: September 16th
D.C. Red Dress: October 8th
EWH3 is STILL in need of a NEW BREWMEISTER. If you are interested in being the BEER SUPERHERO we all need, please reach out to a member of mismanagement!
Give Back to the Hash!
BREW CREW! Do you enjoy those beverages on trail? Brews require brew crews! Email to keep the hash alive. See the EWH3 calendar for dates.
HARES! Ready to help hare or make your own trail? Email See the EWH3 calendar for dates.
ADOPT A METRO! Love to explore? We need hashers to walk/jog/bike/drive to potential Beverage Checks and On-Ins and check them out. Email
STAY SAFE! Review Everyday is Wednesday’s updated COVID-19 guide here before joining us on trail.
Just Abby
Just Mike
That’s a Whore-A
Screaming Pussy
Just Tom
(Everyday Is Wedne...)
Just Kayla
General Tso’s Dicken
Close Encounters of the Turd Kind
Just Chris
(Everyday Is Wedne...)
You Sucked My Battledick
Immoral Support
Just Marvin
Tony Panda
(Everyday Is Wedne...)
Atari 6900
Created by Gin | Inspired by many