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EWH3 1267: The 7th Anal Ugly Sweater Trail! - 6:45 PM Thursday, December 9th, 2021 - Stadium Armory Metro (Blue/Orange/Silver Lines)

12/09 07:15 PM

A EWH3 Trail

Cost: $7





As the CDC and DC Health continue to update and revise guidelines, Mismanagement is working to determine how the hash fits into these recommendations. For this reason, masks are optional for fully vaccinated individuals. Vessels are still required for everyone.

Did you know that male reindeer drop their antlers at the beginning of winter, but female reindeer don't? So that ugly sweater you have of humping reindeer is a whole lot kinkier than you thought. And Thursday is your chance to wear it! That's right, for the seventh year in a row, we are giving you the chance to wear your tackiest, ugliest, or most hideous holiday sweater on a winter wonderland romp!

When: 6:45 PM Thursday, December 9th, 2021. Pack away at 7:15 PM!

Where: Stadium-Armory Metro - Stadium (north) exit - Follow marks to start!

Nearest Capital Bike Share: 19th St SE & East Capitol St. SE

Hares: Head Injury, General Tso’s Dickin, and maybe a mystery hare

Trail Details:
- Runners: 2.2 mi. first half / 2.1 mi. second half
- Walkers: 1.1 first half / 1.1 mi. second half
- Shiggy: 1.69 - Solid urban shiggy

Miscellaneous Crap: Trail is A to A’ (0.4 miles to metro). Bring your own vessel, a cranium light, and a full water bottle. Be smart, have fun.

End Metro: Potomac Avenue Metro
Last Trains Out:
- Wiehle-Reston East (Silver): 11:41pm
- New Carrollton (Orange): 12:29am
- Vienna (Orange): 11:49pm
- Largo Town Center (Blue): 12:18am
- Franconia-Springfield (Blue) 11:40pm

On After: Trusty’s
1420 Pennsylvania Ave. SE

Give Back to the Hash!

BREW CREW! Do you enjoy those beverages on trail? Brews require brew crews! Email ewh3brewmeister@gmail.com to keep the hash alive. See the EWH3 calendar for dates.

HARES! Ready to help hare or make your own trail? Email ewh3harerazor@gmail.com. See the EWH3 calendar for dates.

ADOPT A METRO! Love to explore? We need hashers to walk/jog/bike/drive to potential Beverage Checks and On-Ins and check them out. Email ewh3harerazor@gmail.com.

STAY SAFE! Review Everyday is Wednesday’s updated COVID-19 guide here before joining us on trail.

Did you really cum all the way here for this? Sign up to receive trail announcements directly to your inbox by emailing ewh3harerazor@gmail.com!

Start Location Details

Stadium-Armory Metro

Stadium-Armory Metro

Public Event

See the full list!

46 Hashers came


Just nick




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The Cock Whisperer

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Keep Hashing Potential...


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s/Kooter Kunte

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Bipolar Bear

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Just add vodka

Son What the Fuck?!

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I'll take a pint of that!

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Just Shannon



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Hello hashing day! :)

Cum Dumpling



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Please Step Away from the Whores


Just Zippy





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The Cumburglar!

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Double Stuffed Whore-e-o

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Glue Factory Gum Job

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It's Glue! Dammit.

Bless Me Father for I Have Rimmed

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Just Jarely


Head Injury

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General Tso’s Dicken


Red Roper

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The Cocktease Falcon
