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EWH3 EWH3 #1216 – Outgoing MisManagement!

01/14 07:15 PM

A EWH3 Trail

Cost: $7


Son What the Fuck?! and ThrobbinHood



As we navigate hashing during this time, please take a moment to review Everyday is Wednesday’s updated COVID-19 guide here.
For informative, local, and specific information about COVID-19: https://coronavirus.dc.gov/
For information about where to get tested: https://coronavirus.dc.gov/testing
If you test positive for COVID-19, please provide the following information to contact tracers and contact the GMs immediately: Alberto - (202) 556-3695

Happy freaking new year, wankers! With the turn of a calendar cums a new administration, bringing in fresh half-minds with new ideas for serving the people…beer! That’s right, your 2021 MisManagement will debut at AGM! Save the date for a double trouble trail and virtual announcement: Saturday, January 16, 2021 at 11am, 2pm, and 5pm. More details cumming soon.

It’s the farewell tour of your 2020 MisMan! We started the year bright eyed and bushy tailed…

Got to have a few on-afters, too (remember bars?!)…

Did the virtual circle thing…

And unlike a millenial’s future, we can peacefully retire. Adios!

You MUST sign up on HashRego to attend Thursday’s trail. A pack of 23 will gather for trail with a live, socially distant circle.

When: 6:45PM Thursday January 14, 2021. Pack away at 7:15 PM!

Where: Georgetown – start at Francis Scott Key Memorial Park!

D'erections: From Rosslyn: walk across Key Bridge and follow marks to park.

Capital Bike Share: 34th & Water Streets NW

Hares: Son What the Fuck?! and ThrobbinHood

Trail Length: 
Runners: 2miles first half / 1.5 second half (dog friendly!)
Walkers: 1.1m first half / 1.1m second half

Miscellaneous Crap:  Trail is an A to A. Dress warm and bring a cranium lamp. It should be a nice day. Masks and vessels are REQUIRED! Be smart, have fun. Sign up on Hash Rego is Required!

Brew Crew!

Brew Crew will be available to serve you a limited amount of libations at both beer check and end. In order to ensure that this is done in a safe manner, we require the following:

  • Hand sanitizer will be provided. Please sanitize your hands before approaching the Brew Crew station.

  • Brew Crew is required to wear a mask at all times. You must also wear a mask when interacting with them.

  • Trails will be cans-only. Brew Crew will only purchase enough cans for rego'd hashers, so be sure to sign up!

  • You must pour your beer into a vessel before leaving the crew station.

  • Bottled water will also be provided - stay hydrated!

  • Do not reach for a beer! Brew Crew will hand your beer to you by placing it down on a table bench.

  • There will be no bag van or snacks provided... YET. Stay tuned as we work on ways to re-introduce these aspects safely.

  • Remember that your Crew has volunteered out of the goodness of their heart. They are offering their time, vehicle, and exposure to make you happy. Show them the respect they deserve!

Outgoing MisManagement

Mask, Vessel, Cranium Lamp

Start Location Details

Public Event

See the full list!

24 Hashers came


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