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DC Red Dress 2023

10/06 12:00 PM to 10/08 12:00 PM

A Hash Weekend

Cost: $145*


Princess Jizzmine, Scuba Deuce, 8aPuss


Cum join us for the annual DC Red Dress Run: Columbus/Indigenous People’s Weekend, 6-8 October!

Grab your finest red dress, fanciest vessel, and get ready to hash around the National Mall with us! This year's charity will once again be Planned Parenthood so come help us raise money and bring awareness to a great program.

What does your rego get you? Access to Friday night’s Full Moon Trail and BLT, all day Saturday Red Dress shenanigans, trail, and BEER! AND Sunday’s Hangover H3 Trail!

Trail Info:
Red Dress Trail Start @ Smithsonian Metro Station
A - Beer Trail, bag vehicle provided
Runners: ~4.5 mi true trail, 0.69 shiggy
Walkers: ~2.5 mi true trail, 0.69 shiggy
On After: Wundergarten

This year for Full Moon BLT, we have Freddie’s Beach Bar as our location! This year’s theme is: Big Kahuna Big Gay Liki Tiki Luau! Whip out your bikinis, tikis, and leis for an awesome night with a beach themed bar and karaoke! This is a favorite local hash bar, so get ready!

We have 30 spaces available for BLT for LOCALS ONLY! We got some extra space, so we opened up to make everybody happy!


We'll be hosting the Shooting Star Trail Friday night after Freddie's back at the hotels! Want to make shot? Sign up here!


This year we’re using the Hotel Pentagon as hash central and have negotiated a favorable group rate of $110+ tax per night. You HAVE to call and mention “Red Dress Run” to get the discounted rate and to book. Plus, anyone that DID NOT book a prepaid reservation at the back up hotel Comfort Inn can cancel and rebook with Hotel Pentagon, and get the discount, but this only applies until the 26th, so act fast! As of 9/23 the Hotel Pengtagon has 47 more rooms under the block!

Speaking of beer! We have Donna’s Drinkers: The Rhinehart Red Garter Society for People Who Want to Drink Good Booze and Do Good Stuff For Charities, too! What is this??? It’s an upgrade on your booze package! For $50, you’re getting fancier beer, some liquor, and more!

Rego. Then, tell your friends cum #RunRed!

Want more trails? Attend both Everyday is Wednesday H3 on Thursday night @7 for their ballbuster and White House H3 Sunday @ 3pm for bonus miles! Details will be posted! Those rego’s are separate from this event.

EWH3 Thursday night: https://hashrego.com/events/ewh3-1378?fbclid=IwAR0pgsuu245JEsRL3EAcdlrNtlZVO4iC0prQLV0hzz1SmcnMqq1w6vkHU

White House H3, Sunday 3pm: https://hashrego.com/events/wh4-trail-2091-red-dress-sunday?fbclid=IwAR05fd1GKZhJVRH3KE0u_ZhvbB9Ob1iXg2zTkCDweXFzpXvU2m5ZtuE0FJ0

Location Details

Smithsonian Metro Station


1101 First St NE, Washington, DC 20002

Hotel Pentagon

Make a Reservation

Room blocks are under "Red Dress Run"


Schedule of Events

12:00-4:00 Early Sign In @ Hotel Pentagon
4:00-6:00 Sign in
7:00 BLT Trail hosted by DC Full Moon
Start: Hotel Pentagon, A-Beer, ~2 miles, shiggy level: 0.69
8:00 DCFM BLT presents: Da Big Kahuna’s Big Gay Liki Tiki Luau
@ Freddy's Beach Bar & Restaurant
11:30 Shooting Star Trail - Sign up on the google form!
Hotel Pentagon & Comfort Inn Suites

8:00-10:00 Breakfast (at your hotel)
Mimosa & Bloody Mary Bar
10:00-12:00 Hab Bazaar
@ Hotel Pentagon Breakfast Area
12:00-1:30 Lunch
@ Hotel Pentagon Breakfast Area
1:30 Red Dress Circle
Hotel Pentagon/Comfort Inn Parking Lot
1:45 First bus leaves from hotels for Red Dress Trail

2:30 Red Dress Trail Start @ Smithsonian Metro Station
On After: Wundergarten

7:30 First bus to return to hotel
8:30 Last bus to return to hotel
10:00 Hotel Party!

10:00 Hangover H3 Trail
Start: Hotel Pentagon
Eagle, Turkey, Penguin options available
11:00 GTFO

Public Event

See the full list!

126 Hashers came


Just Emily


Bitches Give Stitches

Everyday Is Wednesday H3

War and Piece of Ass

White House H3

Roadie Ho


Friends Don't Let Friends Fuck Fat Chicks

DC Full mOOn Hash House Harriers

Bipolar Bear


Please Step Away from the Whores


Baskin Throbbins

Vulcan Hash House Harriers

Bearly Blue

Jacksonville H3
I aim to misbehave.

I’m not Peeing, I’m Cumming. Aka Puddles

SMUTTy Crab Hash House Harriers

Caught Red Handed

Houston Ankle Biters H3

Bobby Douché


Ginga Ninja

White House H3



My Big Fat Greek Orgy

Charm City H3

Tokin’s Little Cuckold


Trains, Stains, and Automobiles (TSA)

Everyday Is Wednesday H3

War and Peace of Ass


Hard On the beaver

(SMUTTy Crab Hash ...)

Murder He Woke

Memphis H3

The Cock Whisperer

Accokeek Auxiliary Asylum Hash House Harriers (AAAHHH!!!)
Keep Hashing Potential...

Ice ice asshole

Carolina Trash Hash House Harriers
Please tell me what el...

Just Wibbly Bits


Schrödinger's Cock

Everyday Is Wednesday H3



Sleeping Boozie

Hangover Hash House Harriers

Shitty Orgy Daycare

Tidewater H3

Just MJ


Apparently Pregnant

White House H3

Green Velvet

SMUTTy Crab Hash House Harriers

Daddy's Dick

White House H3

Ginger Snatch

White House H3

Clean Clam

DC Road Whores
I'm not here to fuck. ...

Room and Whored


Horny Hands


Regurgitated cum bubble


Just Danielle


Rear End Loader


Snow Bukkake


Nakey Wakey My Clothes R Toast


Cockhome Syndrome

Richmond H3

Raider of the Lost Box


Bloody Headbanger

Harrisburg-Hershey Hash House Harriers

Sir Lancelittle

White House H3
Tis but a scratch!


(Ft Eustis)

Humpty Bunky

Over the Hump Hash House Harriers

These Are the Tits You’re Looking For


I've Fallen and I Can't Get Off


I'm Not The Whore You're Looking For

Harrisburg-Hershey Hash House Harriers


DC Red Dress Run

Dirty Flamingo

Dayton Hash House Harriers

Anal Fission


Scuba Deuce

SMUTTy Crab Hash House Harriers
Spandex Afficionado

Alopeecia Pussy

Peach Fuzz Hash House Harriers

International House of Vagina


Liar liar vagina on fire


Mormon Kombat Peetality

Lotsa Damn Shiggy Hash House Harriers

Legend of the Hidden Tampon

Vulcan Hash House Harriers

Screaming Pussy


Swallow 4 Equality

IndyScent Hash House Harriers
Drink it down down dow...

Uno, Dos, Tres... LIFTOFF!

Everyday Is Wednesday H3

Just Josh


Just Courtney


District 69

Whitehouse H3/DC Road Whores
Masked before it was c...

I’d Fuck Me Too

El Paso Hash House Harriers

Roll Over Bitch!




Special Red

White House H3

Toxic Nerd Warrior


Poly Doesn't Know

Savannah Hash House Harriers



Roose Rips


Princess Jizzmine

DC Road Whores



Cox Stroker

Pittsburgh Hash House Harriers
I’m gay for boobs


Everyday Is Wednesday H3

Mt. Coochie


Black Cock Down

Hateful 8 Hash House Harriers
AKA Bad Turkey!


Philadelphia Hash House Harriers
I got a tagline see. ...


(Vancouver H3)

Scuffle My Nutsack


Scary Pooter


Ready Player None

Everyday Is Wednesday H3


Savannah Hash House Harriers
I only sometimes have ...


Everyday Is Wednesday H3

Rear end loaders girl


Seriously 5-10


Don’t Cum on the Puppy

Dayton Hash House Harriers & Harriettes

Drowning in Dick

Mosquito Hash House Harriers

Don’t Bring Schaefer Up

Carolina Trash Hash House Harriers

All I Want for Christmas is a Tube of Meat


Shetland Blow Me

Everyday Is Wednesday H3

Agent Orgy

Everyday Is Wednesday H3
Save beer shower toget...

True Scotsman


Around The World In 80 Lays


Lumberjack Off

Shark Week H3
Lumber Jackoff

Silver Spooge


Cuckoo for Coconuts

Men Excluded Only Women (MEOW) H3


White House H3

dwarfus interruptus

White House H3
I Moo At Cows

Cockó Bel Grãnde


Bi Now, Pay Later


Sister Slayer





Hangover Hash House Harriers
ride fast eat ass

Slimy Limey

White House H3

Leaning Tower of Please Ya


Spit ‘n Spin


Vagina is for Lawyers

Everyday Is Wednesday H3

All that for Nothing

Upstate Hash House Harriers

Dyke Tyson

Mount Vernon H3

Forrest Dumped



Harrisburg-Hershey Hash House Harriers

6 From Behind


Screeching Eargasm


Just Carl


A Red River Runs Through It
