Cost: $119*
Invihash 2022 is going to be out of this world…
Hidden deep within the Green Mountain of Vermont sits the highly secure secret research facility of the Burlington Hash House Harriers.
Here we are HARD at work answering the DEEPEST questions of the universe:
• How many hashers does it take to blast off?
• How many holes does a moonman?
• Can intelligent life comprehend Malort?
• Spacepants?
Lube up your anal probes, polish your antennae, and fuel up your phallic spacecraft.
Welcum to Area 69!
Your registration gets you a campsite, all the beer you can drink, meals, an Invihash 2022 tag, a giveaway, beer, a trail through the woods of Vermont, beer, an UGH near the woods of Vermont, beer, and a nice place in which to drink your beer.
For the safety of everyone and their pets, no animals are allowed this year at Invihash. Please note that the registration fee is non-refundable.
Invihash 2022 will be held at the Vermont Freedom Adult Campground in Greensboro Bend, Vermont. They offer:
• New POOL
• Party barn
• Shower beer facilities
• Clothing Optional: No Pants? No problem!
• Bonfire pit (for Buttler to sleep in)
A lot of you probably have not visited the Northeast Kingdom of Vermont ("A place where you can be you. No questions asked. ") , so we encourage you to cum early or stay late and "get NEKed".
A few local attractions you might enjoy:
• BEER: Hill Farmstead Brewery is 13 minutes away. There are at least 10 breweries within a 30 minute drive. Get the Vermont Brewery Passport App. Maybe earn a coaster or something.
• Swimming: Cheever Falls, Lake Caspian
• Nude Beach: Lake Willoughby - Named by Yankee Magazine as one of the most beautiful lakes in New England. Nice even with your pants on.
• Hiking: Barr Hill Trail, Stannard Pond Peak, it's Vermont have a look around
• Mountain Biking: Craftsbury Outdoor Center & KIngdom Trails are both nearby
• Weird Shit: Museum of Everyday Life - This cannot be explained really. Well curated exhibits of prison shanks made from toothbrushes, knots, dust and more. 10 minutes away. Free. DO IT!
• Food: Smith's Grocery ("I Get My Shit There") with pizza down the road, more options in nearby Hardwick
• Not leaving your tent and debating the difference between hangover and withdrawal
• See for more ideas
Area 69
Celine Ding-Dong
(Poof )
Belle of the Balls
Blue balls matter
Slips n Slides
(Ottawa h3)
Shits and Ladders
Full Frontal Fireball
Space Probe Inspector
Topless barbie
Strap On Strap Off
(Boston H3)
Virgin Dane
(Easy as 1,2,3)
Virgin Henry
Willy Wonka & the Backdoor Factory
Friar Fuck
(Seacoast H3)
Virgin Sharon
Easy as 123
Staying Straight
Cummy Bear
Willy Wanker & The Chocolate Factory
(Boston H3)
Testicular Mechanics
Doctor Blow
(Beantown City H3)
Bottom Wrangler
(Boston H3)
(Boston H3)
Crawdaddy Cooter Esq.
(Ithaca Hash House...)
Enter the Asshole
Just Dan
Luva Lamp
Bishop to Butthole
(Von Tramp)
Orgasm Famine
(Boston H3)
Silence of the Goats
Just Tabitha
Salty CumPiss
Frosty the Fuckman
Swedish Eagle
(Boston Ballbuster)
Johnny Dildonics
Dead in the box
Clit Notes
Goat Throat
Rage Rocket Loves My Socket
Just David
Real Mother
Sperm Burpin’ Alien
(BH3VT )
Spank Me May I Have My Mother
Stubby Pink Torpedo
Ze Pelvic Thrust
Make That Noise
Garbanzo bean... On my face!
A. Sock
Cock Bottle
Udder whore
The Tip is Out There
(Burlington Hash H...)
Eager Beaver
Extra Terresticle
(Boston Moon H3)
Created by Gin | Inspired by many