Cost: $100*
Welcome to Blue Dress Run 2024!
We're thrilled to have you join us in showing support for marginalized hashers, including but not limited to those in the LGBTQ+ community.
Event Mission
This event aims to raise funds for The Trevor Project, an organization dedicated to providing crisis intervention and suicide prevention services to LGBTQ+ youth. We also hope to foster community building and support across the Hash Community. It is our wish, as organizers, for this to become an annual event, involving more kennels.
Thank you for being a part of this meaningful cause and helping us create a more inclusive and supportive community.
- 2Fists2Furrious (THICC)
- Big Ol' Box of Cocks (Indyscent H3)
- Jeanie Weenie (Madison H3)
- Mouthwest Airlines (Big Hump H3)
- Pretty Peggin Princess (Twin Titties Thirstday H3)
- Snatchsquatch (Chicago H3)
- Tainted Paint (Quad Cities H3)
- Takes It All (Waukesha H3)
No kennel was purposefully left out of the planning committee; with time constraints, we aimed to keep the committee small while still including organizers from multiple states. We appreciate everyone's understanding and support.
Financial Disclosure
It will cost approximately $50 per attended (based on 100 regos) to cover venue, food, and drinks on Saturday. This means approximately $19 per Rego (at base price) will be donated. All finances will be made available upon request as well as posted periodically to the Paid Rego FB page.
Virtual Trail Option
If you or someone you know wants to show their support but cannot attend the actual event, we do have a Virtual Trail Option. Virtual Trail Sign-up
More details can be found in the Schedule Tabs.
Volunteers Needed
Once you rego and pay, you will be added to a closed Facebook Event Page.
This page will allow our organizers to provide timely updates and allow attendees the chance to fill much needed volunteer roles. We will be looking for hares, RA's, check-in hosts, fundraiser station ideas/volunteers, etc.
If you don't have Facebook and want to help, we will also be sending emails through HashRego or you can contact Takes It All.
This is an opportunity for you and your kennel to directly help with the event. We love you and want as many kennel representatives to be involved as possible.
PAYMENTS: All payments must be made through HashRego unless otherwise arranged with Big Ol' Box of Cocks. Unpaid regos will be removed at the start of all price increases. If you haven't paid, you will need to rego again and submit payment in the amount of the current price. Final payments must be received before End of Day 11/01/2024 or your rego will be canceled.
TRANSPORTATION: We have acquired two 12 passenger vans for the weekend that we will shuttle people to/from the hotels & downtown area. This is an optional add-on for $10 more per person for the entire weekend to cover the rental cost.
NO NUDITY: You can get sexy, but all your bits need to be sufficiently covered. We will have non-hash bartenders at the main event and be in public for Friday night. Pasties, thongs, banana hammocks, speedos, etc. do not count as being covered.
NOT ALLOWED: Anyone under 21 years old (including babies). No exceptions. NO GLITTER. NO FIREARMS.
ANIMALS: Dogs and other animals are not allowed. If you bring an animal, you will be asked to leave and not return. Registered service animals are allowed, per ADA requirements.
SAFETY: BDR will have a Safety Committee, hash volunteers who have agreed to a sober shift to help answer general questions and be available to assist with any crisis that may arise.
Event Organizers will be monitoring Banned H3 and other area communications regarding bans to address any potential issues on a case-by-case basis. Being on Banned H3 does not automaticallh prevent you from attendinf BDR.
Due to the rapid organization of this event and the collaboration spanning six states, more detailed information will be provided as decisions are finalized. The organizers are committed to balancing the creation of an amazing event with a timely response to recent events within the larger US hashing community. We appreciate your understanding and flexibility as we work to deliver an impactful and memorable experience.
Blue Dress Run | Charity Event
I90 & E State St Options
No Group Block
Unfortunately due to time constraints in planning and two hockey matches in Rockford that weekend, we were unable to secure a group block.
We are suggesting the Holiday Inn Rockford as this is where the Hashpitality Suite will be.
If the Holiday Inn sells out, there are several other hotels that are within walking distance you can also book at.
We have 2 shuttles we'll be running Friday and Saturday to get people to/from the downtown locations. They will leave from the Holiday Inn.
I90 & E State St. Rockford, IL
Location: Wood & Brick Tavern
Check-in Time: 4:00PM
Theme: Onesies
Hashers arriving before 4PM should check into the hotel before gathering for the Friday night festivities. The starting bar opens at 4pm.
Morning Madness
Room Open: 8am - 11:30 AM
Location: Hotel Conference Room
This morning event will feature most of our fundraiser stations, where you can participate in various activities to support our cause and engage with fellow hashers. Complimentary water & electrolytes available.
This is also your final chance to check-in for the weekend. We're not responsible for any gimmies not picked up.
Main Event
Location: Rockford City Market (meet by the rabbit statue by E State & N Water
Chalk Talk: 12:00 PM
On-Out: 12:30 PM
Theme: Blue Dress
Details: All trails will have 2 beverage stops and end at the main venue. The Ball Buster trail will include a bonus stop because overachievers must be punish their livers. Dinner, drinks, and dancing to follow. Should probably do circle, too, I guess.
Turkey Trail
Hare(s): TBD
Distance: 2-3 Miles
Eagle Trail
Hare(s): TBD
Distance: 3-5 Miles
Ball Buster Trail
Hare(s): TBD
Distance: 5-7 Miles
GTFO Brunch
Location: Screw City Tavern
Time: 11:30am
Cost: Pay Your Way
Check Back for More
Mail Call: Pen a letter of love to an attendee and have it delivered by a volunteer sometime during the weekend.
Design A Sign: Show your support on trail by DIY'ing your own sign.
Shot Stop: Have a Shot or Candy bar delivered to anyone on the Who's Cumming.
DJ Song Request: Tired of our music? Donate to change it.
Sign Up Here: Virtual Trail Sign-up
With a minimum donation of $10, you'll get:
- 1 event patch by mail
- Access to the Private FB Group for all paid regos
- $7 donation to the Trevor Project
- Your virtual rego will count in your kennels total regos
- Optional: A cut out of your face so you can "be" at the event
All donation amounts are welcome.
The Dark Kunt
Sex Canoe
What's in the Box?
Just Stacy
Rectal Rabbi
Just Juhi
Serial Shit Squirter
Bear Back Fountain
Mother Inferior
(Motown/Ann Arbor H3)
Hit It In The Wet Spot
Ice Princess
Screws on the Bus
Yeasty BootHole
(Minneapolis H3)
... He's Still Limping
Castration Sensation
Princess and the Puke
The Virgin Jill Mary
Sushi Grade Placenta
Just Courtney
Desperate Lay
I Cunt Even
Hung on the fence
(BloNoH3 )
Coming Right Meow
Erectyre Disfunction
Long Time Cumming
Scary Pooter
Lady Cadaver
Benedryll'er Cumbersnatch
sPeEd HuMp
Rip 'em Snip 'em
Lust in Translation
Backseat Muffher
Lick Stick
Jeanie Weenie
Bottom Wrangler
Catstro Dick Assist
Double Dose of Endolphins
Ball Swap
Tripe Tongue Taco
Mr. Motherfucking Homodynamics, Esq
(Chicago H3)
Created by Gin | Inspired by many