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Host Kennel:

Big Hump H3

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Big Hump H3

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03/21 04:30 PM to 03/23 12:00 PM

A BigHumpH3 Hash Weekend

Cost: $135*




But also, the 26th Anniversary of Big Hump H3!!!

Which we are mentioning specifically because we maybe TOTALLY FORGOT that last year was technically our 25th... but maybe not? Because of Covid?
We don't know! We're just Misman!


After you complete this rego, you may either scroll to the bottom of the confirmation page and click "Pay Now" to pay via PayPal, or exit HashRego, and go to PayPal (preferred) or Venmo directly.

Send your money to:

PAYPAL: gm@big-hump.com

VENMO: @Big-Hump-H3
(Pro Tip: Don't type the entire name into the search bar. For some reason it may not come up. Type @Big-Hump and see if it comes up. Continue typing one character at a time until you see it pop up. Yes, it's dumb. No, I can't fix it.)

Note: When you rego, the final statement may say that on-line payments cannot be made and that you must bring cash to the event. THIS IS PART OF HASHREGO and we can't update that statement.
It we may also tell you to send a check or money order to Andy McDonald. Don't do that.
If you need to pay via check or cash you may do so, but you must pay before the rego price goes up to get that price. Contact gm@big-hump.com to pay with check or cash.

If you are unsure of how to pay, please re-read the above section until you figure it out.

Rego fast! The price will continue to go up the longer you wait!

--|-|-|-> PAYMENT TIMING: We must receive your payment WITHIN 3 DAYS of your rego. Otherwise, your rego will be deleted and you will need to re-register (possibly at a higher price). NO exceptions. Also, NO last-minute entries will be taken. All registration closes at midnight on 3/14/25, NO exceptions.

--|-|-|-> REFUNDS: There will be no individual refunds... if you cannot attend, your only solution is to find another hasher to buy your rego. But if BH4 must cancel the entire event due to any unknown circumstances, we will refund your money, minus any expenses which BH4 incurred and were unable to recoup. If giveaways are already ordered at time of cancelation, we will get those to you.

--|-|-|-> NOT ALLOWED: NO animals. NO persons under 21 years old (including babies). NO persons who have not regoed for this event. NO glitter.
NO exceptions.

--|-|-|-> GIVEAWAYS: Rego early to be guaranteed a giveaway that's perfect for you. If you rego close to the event you will still get a gimme, but it may not be perfect for you.

This year, your registration includes... a gimme TBD.

All items above are subject to change depending on Mismanagement's level of drunkenness and/or lack of forethought.

Location Details

Starting at 3:30pm, pick up giveaways in the BH4 Hashpitality Suite at Forest Park Hotel (it will be marked)

5915 Wilson Avenue, St. Louis, MO 63110

Glazier's Hall

5916 Wilson Avenue, St. Louis, MO 63110

Forest Park Hotel

Make a Reservation

Check In 3:00pm / Check Out 11:00am

We have a block of rooms reserved at a discounted rate.
You have until 3/1/2025 to get the discounted rate.

Method of Reservations:
Individuals to make their own reservations by calling 314-645-0700, or, via
forestparkhotelbymdr.com. Use coupon code BHHHH or type the name of the group in the notes section. If you have any issues using the online reservations, please call the hotel directly.

Cut-off date: Hotel reservations must be received by March 1, 2025, to receive the discounted rate. After this date, any remaining blocked rooms will be returned to inventory for general sale.

Schedule of Events

3:30-5:30pm – Forest Park Hotel: Check in at the BH4 Hashpitality Suite (it will be marked). You can check into the hotel any time, but please wait until 3:30pm for us to set up the check-in table.

5:30pm - GLAZIERS HALL will open and beer will be flowing. Bring a vessel!

6:00-8:00pm - Trail: Circle up in Glaziers parking lot. Hares: TBD
If you cannot make trail, you can stay at Glaziers Hall.

8:00pm(ish) - On After - Dinner at Glaziers Hall.

8:00pm-10:30pm – Karaoke and dancing at Glaziers Hall!

We MUST vacate Glaziers Hall by 10:30pm (bonus points if you help us clean up!)

10:30pm-?? - On After AFTER - Hashpitality Suite at Forest Park Hotel

8:00-10:00am - Light Breakfast in the BH4 Hashpitality Suite (fruit, granola bars, muffins, etc)

10:30-10:45am: Gather at Glazier's parking lot!

10:45-11am: ALL ABOARD THE BUS!!
Buses leave at 11am so BE READY! If you miss the bus, that's your own fault.

Many trail options w/multiple BSs, lunch & snacks.
Hares: TBD

5:30pm (ish) - Trail ends. Return to hotel. Clean up, have sex in your room, and/or take a nap.

6:00pm - Glaziers Hall reopens.

6:30pm – Dinner at Glaziers Hall

7:15(ish) - Circle up inside Glaziers Hall

8:00-10:30pm - Dance party at Glaziers Hall

We MUST vacate Glaziers Hall by 10:30pm (even more bonus points if you help clean up this time!)

10:30pm-?? - On After AFTER: Hashpitality Suite at Forest Park Hotel

8:00-10:00am - Light Breakfast - same as Saturday.

Must check out of Hotel by 11:00am

11:00am - Hangover Hash - Hare: TBD
Circle location: Forest Park Hotel parking lot. Plan a couple hours for this.

If you can only attend part of the weekend, please contact us at gm@big-hump.com to let us know which ONE of the options below you want to attend. If you want more than one, it's probably cheaper to sign up for the whole weekend at the regular cost.

A la Carte attendees are not guaranteed the giveaway.

-Friday Night: Trail/Dinner/Drinking/Karaoke ($60)

-Saturday Daytime: MAIN TRAIL/Light Lunch/Drinking ($60)

-Saturday Night: Dinner/Drinking/Dance Party ($60)

-Saturday ALL DAY/NIGHT: Main Trail/Lunch/Dinner/Drinking/Dance Party ($80)

Public Event

See the full list!

99 Hashers came


Dapper Sapper


Dos HiXXies


Ask Jeeves


Shit Face'd


Just The Tick (BigHumpH3)

Ticks Tits!



Pushing Rope


Fake Bake Fuck


No Panty Granny


Lack of o2


Princess Starkissed


Mr. Motherfucking Homodynamics, Esq.


Just Katie


Squiggly Wiggly




Just Adam


Betty Cocker


Rumpley Foreskin


2:19 From Chicago


Princess Fairweather


Jizz Knob

Little Rock Hash House Harriers

Rectal Rabbi


Half Hour Sour


Something About Buttholes


Peg U Lator

Savannah H3
Mud or blood

Stunt Cock

Memphis H3

Just Austin


Sushi Grade Placenta


Titter Glitter

Omaha Hash House Harriers

Tased and Confused


Throat Job




Liquor Canoe


1 Pump Wonder


Claim to Flame: The Abridged Version

Midwest Road Whores
"Do all the events!"

Sweet Ho Alabama


Spectral Skull Fucker


2 Fuck Canuck


Lock Nut Monster


International House of Penis


sPeEd HuMp


Just Sabrina


Way down yonder on the Tickacoochie


Hardly Ever Cums


Clench n Close


Wrap It Up

Memphis H3

Just Tom




... He's Still Limping


Quarter PoundMe


Ovary Punch

(Bell-Scott H3)

Strap On


I'll Pack Her

Bushwhackers H3

Cheer me on so I can go go


Free Mustache Rides


69 to life


Red Snatch Queen




Mouthwest Airlines

I do ginger things.

The Clit ☝

Uffda H3
Ooooh, The Clit ☝

Takes It All




Hit It In The Wet Spot


Beaver Chaser


Like A Fish

Peoria H3


(Dallas Urban H3 (...)





Donkey Style


Litter Shitter


Shiggy Stardust!

BlowMe, Creepy, Pretty...

Whiney Bitch



Quad Cities H3 - Dirty Pirate Chapter

Captain Cunt


Clean & Jerk Off



(Memphis H3)

Wet Spot


Ottoman Cumpire


One-eyed Wetter


Funny BoneHer


Soft Serve


Do You Want To Hit This?


Bread Spread


Cum On Down Under


Hammock Your Way


DewDrops and PoppyCocks

Springfield H3

Ice Princess


Disco Ass


TP For My Tongue Hole



Chicago H3
Snatch for Scale