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Host Kennel:


A2H3 Great Alaska Interhash 2025

06/26 04:00 PM

A A2H3 Hash Weekend

Cost: $169*


Cum join the Anchorage, Alaska Hash House Harriers (A2H3) and other fantastic Alaska kennels Aurora H3 out of Fairbanks and Juneau H3 out of...Juneau (duh!), for the 2025 Great Alaska Interhash and Red Dress Run from June 26-June 29, 2025! This year, we will be splitting our charity $ to Abused Women's Aid in Crisis, AWAIC and Covenant House Alaska. A portion of your rego is automatically donated to AWAIC and Covenant House. We've raised over $17,000 for AWAIC in the past 3 years and have supported Covenant House for years - we are excited to keep supporting these amazing charities.

Please note: The first weeks of regos are reserved for Alaskan hashers only, and regos for Alaskan hashers will open on November 13, 2024 at 2pm AK time. The rest of our regos will open on December 15, 2024 at 8am AK time, with a cap of 150 hashers in total.

- Thursday, June 26: Meat and Greet! Join for a tasty BBQ of Alaskan meats and bevvys! Pick up your amazing swag and run trail.
- Friday, June 27: A fabulous red dress run trail throughout the town of Anchorage; a great on-after with a catered meal and beer. Plus, some morning trails if you're feeling froggy!
- Saturday, June 28: A whole day of trails!
- Sunday, June 29: Boozy brunch and trail
Check out the Schedule of Events for more detrails!

PAYMENT: After you complete this rego form:
1. Exit HashRego
2. go to PayPal
3. Send your money to @AnchorageAlaskaH3, also under the name Antoinette Peter, our the Finance guru for GAIH).
4. Include the following: “GAIH 2025 - your hash name, your nerd name, and the
date you regoed”.
5. Use the Friends/Family option or your payment will be returned.

PAYMENT TIMING: We must receive your rego payment within 2 days of you registering on HashRego. You will not be considered as regoed for this event without payment. If you don't do so, your rego will be released. You will receive a confirmation email once we've received your payment.

CRASH SPACE: We have a limited amount of crash space, We have a discount for a hotel as well (please note: this hotel is not a hash hotel we just have organized a discount code). Find more details in the Accommodations tab below.

RDR DAY-ONLY REGO: There are a limited number of RDR day-only regos for $100. Email ancakhhh@gmail.com if this is something you're interested in.

QUESTIONS: Please direct any questions to ancakhhh@gmail.com. We look forward to frockling around Anchorage with you!

NO REFUNDS! All transfers must go through Lesbian For Sure at ancakhhh@gmail.com.


Location Details


Start Location TBA

Hotel Details, Crash Space

Two options for housing that we've put together for you:

1. Hotel Room: Extended Stay America, 108 E 8th Ave.
From website: “All our spacious suites feature amenities like fully equipped kitchens, free grab-and-go breakfast, free wi-fi and plenty of space to work, dine and relax. We also offer on-site guest laundry, an on-site fitness center and pet-friendly rooms.”
Group rate is $245/night, when booked by May 12, 2025. Up to 12 rooms available. Rate is good Thursday, June 26 – Sunday, June 29, 2025
Once the room is secured with a credit card, free cancellation is possible to June 23.
Call: 877-701-3383 for group sales. Mention: HASHHOUSEHARRIERS

2. VERY LIMITED crash space with Anchorage Hashers: Fill out our google form with the required detrails and we’ll do our best to match you up! GAIH 2025 Crash Space Request Form

Schedule of Events

What: Check-in and Swag pick-up
When: Thursday, June 26 at 4:30pm
Where: Kincaid Chalet - 6998 Raspberry Rd, Anchorage, AK 99502
Why: Check-in, swag pickup, a short trail, and a hash swap. Enjoy an assortment of Alaskan foods (aka meat!) and drinks caught, hunted, grown, & brewed locally. Greet some friends!

Friday Waterfall trail: Hared by Lost N Found & Hand Job Girl

Friday BASH (a bike hash!): Hares and detrails TBD

What: Red Dress Run!
When: Friday, June 27 at 4pm
Where: Train at Delaney Park (Corner of 9th & E)
Why: Let’s raise a ton of money for AWAIC and Covenant House and show off our booties in beautiful red dresses.
Includes: Trail, drinks, dinner, live music!

What: Trails, alllllll daaaaaay
When: Saturday, June 28, starting at 1pm
Where: Abbott Loop Community Park - 8101 Elmore Rd, Anchorage, AK 99507
Why: We've got endless sunlight. You're in Alaska to hash. On onnnnnnnn!

Saturday Ball Buster: Hared by DOA
Saturday Non-Ball Buster Trail, with Runner (Turkey and Eagle) and Walker options: Hares TBD

Saturday Kilted Midnight Trail: Pay-as-you-go pub crawl (only partially funded by GAIH)

What: Boozy Brunch and Hangover "Trail"
When: Sunday, June 29, 11amish
Where: TBD, we're working on it!
Why: We'll be hungover, we'll be happy, we'll eat some food bites we'll "do a trail", we'll wear onesies, we'll do circle, we'll pull our winning raffle ticket(s). It will be lovely and we will be tired.

Public Event

See the full list!

157 Hashers cumming


Rock, Paper, Stippers

San Francisco H3
Bird gang


California Larrikins
ManAids Patch





No Low Blows!! (JaxH3)

Jacksonville H3

Hellooo Kitty

No Balls H3

Red blood gives you wings


E = I’m A Douche


Luuv Cannal



Hangover House Hash Harriers

On the Ragiddy Anne


Cookies N’ Cum

San Francisco H3

Something Blew


Eight is Enough


Finger in the Dike


Air BnE



Las Vegas Hash House Harriers (vlv!)

Whorehouse Heiress


Chubby Chaser

(Oregon H3)

Creamy White Fister

(Sin City Hhh)

2 Midgets, 1 Table

San Diego Hash House Harriers

Cums Alone

...On On a kennel near...

Unholy nipples


Can’t Finish…


High Beams


Return to Gender

(Wildcard H3)

My Little Spermaid


Perfect 10

Long Beach H3

Hifalutin Pussy


Bust Her Hymen

Long Beach H3

Splash Gordon

Anchorage Alaska H3

Damn Near Rectum


Wrecked By Ralph

Savannah Hash House Harriers

Kitty Porn


Mac Splatty

Coyote Ugly Hash House Harriers

Rojo Hammer Toe +1


Pork the Bork

(Corvallis H3)

Missionary Impossible


Rosey Palms


Ain’t nuthin but a horn dog

California Larrikins

Cougar Rican

SeaMon H3
Your best friend



Hump Forrest Hump

(Hangover House Ha...)

Geordi La Foreskin

New York City Hash House Harriers

Ditch Bitch




Where’s Balldo?

Tampa Bay H3

Fist Deep

Mile High Humpin Hash

Sweet N Loaded



(Dead Whores H3)

Grand Theft Anal


Rump Ranger Ralph


Don't Ask Don't Spoon


Virgin Keri

(Anchorage Alaska H3)

Anal Adventure


Manshatten Project

Aloha Hash House Harriers
Never trust a fart aft...

Weird Ball Yank-a-Dick


Bi-Curious George


Just Stephanie


Fucking Shittarded

We shall walk with a w...

Rojo Hammer Toe



(Houston H3)

R. U. Cummingtonite




Swampy Hole


Handjob Girl


I Love the Cock


Submissive Mike

(A2H3 )

Trouser Mouse


Uber Eats Me

Anchorage Alaska H3

Frau Farter

Sir Walters H3

Stick shift


String Cheese


Rooty tooty tore my booty

(Rota 3 Kings H3)

In Out Whoa A’ight, I’m Of Whoring Age

Denver Hash House Harriers

Cums In Jeans

California Larrikins
Who's your daddy?


Anchorage Alaska H3



I want Anal



Houston H3

Squat Twat


going Down On A bull moose




Just Laura


Sex Ray Tech

Savannah Hash House Harriers



Monsoon Poon

(Wandering Whore H3)

Helen Keller Hand Job

Charleston Heretics H3

Bee Fuck


singed minge


Prickers in muh vag


Log Jammer


Baby Crack Whore


Thunderpussy Ho!!!


Lick Me Tender, Lick Me Deep

LA Full Moon Hash House Harriers

Run Away Groom


hare krotchna


Wankers Dozen


Dr. Who's Ass Has My Cock Been In

(Stumptown H3, Por...)



Mr Gere's Finger Puppet


Double Dribble


The Nut Wrangler

(Anchorage Alaska H3)

Cheezy Rider


Hairy Ice-Hole


Tequila CockingBird


Wasted Rubber


Premature hashturbation

Inland Empire Hash House Harriers

Uncle Bondage, Esq!

Bear Bottom Hash House Harriers

Mouth Queef


Bouncing Boobs

Bad Decisions Hash House Harriers

Snatch .com


Spanky the Clown


Roofie Le Toit


Can’t Remember Tits (CRT)


R2 - D Cups


Nookie Monster


Floppy Dicks


Way Down Yonder on the Tickacoochie

Little Rock Hash House Harriers

Slutty Charms

Bahhston Hash House Harriers



Just Joe



Little Rock Hash House Harriers



OSAMA Bin Hashing

DC Road Whores

Banana Lockjaw


Male Slot

Denver Hash House Harriers

Mouthy Bitch


Red Rim Jim Job


Odds Are Yes!


Lost & Found




You Had Me At Anal


Crack Up


Pabst Smear

Oregon Hash House Harriers


The Holy Shit! What the Fuck? Hash House Harriers
You Can't Beat My Meat

Hot Mama

(Bishkek/Denver H3)

Sticky Mickey


Tuna on Top


Look at that hole

Beaver Hole H3

Mooster Fister


Double Bloody Blow


Lesbian For Sure

Anchorage Alaska H3

Tinder Tits

True Trail H3

I’d Fuck Me




Street Gravy


32 Ring Circus


Pitch To Please

Eugene H3

Shoe Said Head

The Holy Shit! What the Fuck? Hash House Harriers. Voted sickest kennel in America by Rumson H3 at InterAm 2017 and 2019.
4 steps to a good time...

Finnish on my Face

(WildcardH3 )