Embed Code for 85HO-Sluts Panhandle Sluts Campout 2025
You(or your Webmeister) can use this code to embed a dynamic event details panel on your Kennel's
website. See the 'Specific Event' demo panel on the Example H3 Demo Site to see what it looks like.
Options: You can specify what the panel holds and how it looks. The
type argument can be set to detail or cumming, and the
style argument can be set to small, medium, or large.
Let's get the 2025 hash camping season started—before it's too warm!!
-|-|-|---> Who: Panhandle Sluts (current, new, & former). Wanna bring a +1 who is not a Panhandle Slut? No problem, bring 'em...the more the merrier!
-|-|-|---> What: Low frills campout. BYOE Bring Your Own Everything: gear, food, beverages. Rego covers Slutty gimmes, camp site registration, and other assorted things. Note: This is a primitive camp area (no power/running water, 1 toilet).
-|-|-|---> Payment: Use Friends and Family: - PayPal: @petersampler / slickbert@gmail.com - Venmo: @PeterSampler . . . Any updates made here will be communicated via email & the Panhandle Slut chat.
Camp gear, Food, Beverage of choice, Wet wipes, Onesie(s), Trail shoes, Head lamp, Debaucherous spirit, Wet wipes (seriously)
Cost: $25
Cost: $25
Cum One, Cum All!!
Let's get the 2025 hash camping season started—before it's too warm!!
-|-|-|---> Who: Panhandle Sluts (current, new, & former). Wanna bring a +1 who is not a Panhandle Slut? No problem, bring 'em...the more the merrier!
-|-|-|---> What: Low frills campout. BYOE Bring Your Own Everything: gear, food, beverages. Rego covers Slutty gimmes, camp site registration, and other assorted things. Note: This is a primitive camp area (no power/running water, 1 toilet).
-|-|-|---> Payment: Use Friends and Family: - PayPal: @petersampler / slickbert@gmail.com - Venmo: @PeterSampler . . . Any updates made here will be communicated via email & the Panhandle Slut chat.
Camp gear, Food, Beverage of choice, Wet wipes, Onesie(s), Trail shoes, Head lamp, Debaucherous spirit, Wet wipes (seriously)