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4 Corners Hash

03/22 02:17 PM

A Trail

Cost: $20


Take Me Out to the Frat Boys, Shit Happens


Did you ever want to hash in 4 states in one day? Here is your opportunity. We will host a hash at the the Worlds famous 4 corners monument. There will be a beer stop in each of the 4 states. Rego includes a shirt, hash beer, snacks and any other crap I can find between now and then. Hash hotel will be the Ute Mountain Casino in Towaoc CO. You can stay anywhere you want, but the hares will be staying there. Paypal me at shappens@aol.com.

Start Location Details

4 Corners Monument

597 NM-597, Teec Nos Pos, AZ

Schedule of Events

Meet and greet and hash reception

Breakfast at hash hotel, leave for hash around 1 PM

Public Event

See the full list!

6 Hashers came


Shit Happens

Shit Happens Traveling Roadshow H3
Founder of NC/SC

Male Slot

Denver Hash House Harriers

Take Me Out to the Frat Boys

Key West Hash House Harriers


(NSAH3 )

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Loose Early

Flour City Hash House Harriers